Answer expired


5 years ago


I am using JS and an intercepting proxy to try and beat this level and after much trial and error got the list correctly sorted and submitted. Now I just get the answer expired error. I have tried opening the page in an new tab rather than refreshing, and hitting submit for a new word set. I am in the US and tethered to a phone for net access, is this the problem? It’s really laggy, and my IP is in a different time zone.

fred [feuerstein]
5 years ago


You could easily use the console (F12) for this

5 years ago


I’m sure that’s helpful for somebody, but I have no Idea what you are talking about. How is opening the console more helpful than an intercepting proxy and why? I opened it, there’s nothing but a couple warnings there. I don’t know any way to inject code into a page except intercepting proxies. I mean my bad I know, but hitting f12 doesn’t really give me any help?

5 years ago | edited 5 years ago


So @feuerstein was right about using the console rather than an intercepting proxy, but that’s because timings are important on this level. If you have a laggy internet connecion it’s going to kick you the answer expired error. Get on a better connection to complete this level, and console is faster than burp, zap or webscarab.

5 years ago


Spoiler: I also had to recode my attack after switching to the console. A couple of minutes of google will probably show you the way.

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