Now so half part is done we got our username so for password i already had the hashed value
so i made my custom reverse hashing algorithm in python
```def split(word):
return [char for char in word]
file = open(“possible_letters.txt”, “w”)
passwords = []
alpha = split(
def reverse_slicing(s):
return s[::-1]
def guess_password(hash, s):
hash = int(hash)
if(hash == 0):
for x in range(hash-62, hash):
if x % 9 == 0:
guess_password(x/9, s+str(alpha[hash-x-1]))
for x in range(0, hash):
if x % 9 == 0:
guess_password(x/9, s+str(alpha[hash-x-1]))
guess_password(78323683, “”)```
i thought that there wont be many possible passwords with same hash but i found
1428480 possible passwords with same ary[1] hash that is with mult = 9
now i thought at the end i might get meaningful url
so i kept going and found all the corresponding ary[2] values for each possible password
then i used that login check code in login.htm to find all possible urls which is 1428480
now i cant find any meaningful url in my final output list of urls,
and i don’t think that requesting all those possible urls to this server is a good idea