help! ASAP!

The Sandman [NaeNasty]
10 years ago


old computer broke and just got a new windows 8 the ware in the computer runs extremely well but once I tried to get my backtrack 5 and backtrack 5r3 idk what to do I hVE VIRTAL MACHENE still but I can even get the .iso version. its an emergency

10 years ago


Calm down. Emergencies are for Law Enforcement and emergency services. :)
You can start by writing here what your problem is exactly (since your post isn’t very clear, to me at least), what steps you took and what didn’t work.

[deleted user]
10 years ago


What I got from your post @NaeNasty is you have a new system with Windows 8 cause your old system crashed and you also have virtual machine installed after that it is not clear.

You need to install BT5 R3 on the Virtual machine or on your system? make it kind of a dual boot with Windows and BT.

And what was that about the .iso file. Are you saying you are able to get the .iso file for BT or you are not able to get the .iso file for BT. Also which virtual machine software is installed on your machine.

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