You need to save the text file, then rename it [removed]
Open the file again and the answer is [removed] :)
Admin: Please don’t post answers to levels, just hints and suggestions
I shall find your IP, then find you! :O

http://www.unfiction.com/dev/tutorial/definitions.htm should provide all information necessary to solve the level. :)
print(", ".join([str(x) for x in range(1,100) if not [y for y in range(2, x) if x%y==0]]))

If you look through the list in verath’s post you will find one related to what you see. That will tell you what file type the file needs to be.

I would imagine so, it should open fine if you are using the correct program … so setting the right extension should allow it to be opened

Ahh, glad you solved it by yourself.
For everyone else:
Windows 7 hides file extensions by default in Windows Explorer. To show extensions go to Organize -> Folder and search options, click the view tab and uncheck “Hide extensions for known file types”.

I saw that BM6 is 42 4D 36 <what’s this is the username or something?
That should tell you what kind of level it is, and then you should know how to open it. Many kinds of files have “signatures” in them, just like these. You should be able to recognize atleast the most common ones…
- daMage

um, excuse me but I opened the file and I find b1.txt BM6 after a musical note and many other characters
what does that mean exactly??
PS: If there are French or Francophone travel site that can answer (if they can)
thanks you
Translation in French:
hum, excusez moi mais j'ai ouvert le fichier b1.txt et je trouve “BM6” apr une note de musique et pleins d'autres caractes
signifie quoi exactement??
PS: Si il y a des franis ou des francophones qui parcourent ce site qu'il puissent rondre (si ils le peuvent)
merci ? vous

Croquez la vie a pleine dents ou c'est elle qui vous croquera

Ben moi perso, j'ai double cliqusur le .txt et j'ai direct le bon logiciel qui s'est ouvert pour m'afficher le user / mdp j'ai pas trop compris pourquoi, du coup c'ait tout con pour ma part ^^'
For me, when i opened the .txt, it was directly the right software who was launch and show me user and password, so i don’t get this level ^^'

paperdeepdreams: it’s not really a text file, find out the correct file type as suggested in this thread…
- daMage
I understand from Verath’s post that it’s [XXX] file. I just don’t understand what it’s saying. Needs help.
If you know what kind of file it is, then change the extension to the correct one and open it… One scenario when it doesn’t possibly work: if you
1. click the link
2. select “open in notepad” or something like that
3. select save as … and save it as local file
using this method the notepad can corrupt the file… You should instead click the link with rmb and select “save link as” (or something similar depending on your browser)
- daMage

If I understand it is not a text file
but then I use notepad + + software??
or else what?? please
this is a site to learn not to make me doubt on issues to find the answer to my original question!
give us the extension or not of the famous software
translation in french:
si j'ai bien compris il ne s'agit pas d'un fichier texte
mais puis je utiliser le logiciel notepad++??
ou autre lequel?? s'il vous pla
c'est un site pour apprendre pas pour me faire douter sur des questions pour trouver la ronse ? ma question initiale!
donnez nous l'extension ou ce fameux logiciel non de non

As verath said “http://www.unfiction.com/dev/tutorial/definitions.htm should provide all information necessary to solve the level.”
open the file in notepad and go to the link verath provided and read the page. If you figured it out and the file gives an error
then read what daMage said
“If you know what kind of file it is, then change the extension to the correct one and open it… One scenario when it doesn’t possibly work: if you
1. click the link
2. select "open in notepad” or something like that
3. select save as … and save it as local file
using this method the notepad can corrupt the file… You should instead click the link with rmb and select “save link as” (or something similar depending on your browser) “
just in case you don’t know rmb=right mouse button

You download the file (right click -> “save link as..”)
then you open it (with normal editor) and look with what kind of letters the whole thing starts
then you check which of the page verath send before fit: http://www.unfiction.com/dev/tutorial/definitions.htm
and now you just have to rename the file.
now i just took all the information here and put it together if this helps you really should learn how to get all the information by reading.
EDIT: If i said too much I’m sorry..

B?t tr?m chv? dg l?u windows v? b?n ch?t l? ho? n to? n nh? nhau
when the time has come , I shall rise and conquer the world

when the time has come , I shall rise and conquer the world

Edit: Thanks for the link, but it is a spoiler, so I removed it
when the time has come , I shall rise and conquer the world

@yoyoelgohary if it so, just try that :p
“People who doesn’t work hard doesn’t have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don’t understand the hard work necessary to be successful.”

mail request that you did it right? I had no problem reading it.
You can pm me about your solution if you want..

@fuat: don’t give up for find solution, just learn and practice.
“People who doesn’t work hard doesn’t have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don’t understand the hard work necessary to be successful.”

Try to renaming it before you are saving it on your pc.
When you save a file, you immediatly save it right?
How can we change the name of the file before placing it on our computer?
Right click> Download as.. will give you the ability to change the opportunities.
Open hex editor and look what it says: “BM6”, try to know what this is and
you will have your answer.
just a 13 year old kid.

has posted the most important post.even if u know the file extension correctly u might not get the answer as was the case with me.so do as has qouted.
if u know the extension right click the link for the file and clicck save link as whatever extension u think is correct.
u noe u r dealing wid d rite guy

- daMage
What’s the matter, kratos?s a distinctive feature in txt format, you can search up the distinctive features of file types or something and try to identify the features with the ones in the document.

maybe try “save link as” on the download link? Or changing the extension after you’ve downloaded it?

I consider that your post isn’t a help and no one will thank for that bad habit. Please edit your post.
“People who doesn’t work hard doesn’t have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don’t understand the hard work necessary to be successful.”

Pour les francphones: Lisez ceci c'est tres important cela vous ermet de trouver les reponses. Ilfo d'abord aller sur ce site http://www.unfiction.com/dev/tutorial/definitions.htm puis lisez le document cela vous permet de savoir en quelle tye d'extension faudra changer le document b1.txt telecharg puis quand vous trouverez la veritable extension du fichier le changer. Pour cela il fut aller dans options de dossier qui esst sous affichage et decocher l'option Masquer les extensions dont le fichier est connu chai pa koi et apres l'ouvrir. c'est comme ca ke jai fai pour trouver..

this level is pretty easy. go to where you saved b1.txt and on toolbar click organize -> Folder and search options -> View , thats enough for a hint :D
files like this are usually pictures. what extension do pictures have? :))

A Simple hint,
I have been reading few funny things, one of them was about a student who had a paper assignment that he forgot about, the day he needed to deliver it, he copied the mIRC.exe file, renamed it to assignment.doc, put it on a floppy and gave to hi teacher, the file did not open with the teacher so he gave him a chance to deliver it the next day.
the student went home, did his paper and got away from “F”.
maybe what you face is the same, only different type of extensions.
I Hate Signatures.

I Hate Signatures.

Read what BM6 means by google it. Once you know what the file is, think about the file extention, is it a txt file or should it be something else.? How you do you save files that need an different extension? Once you figure this out, open the file.. what do you see
(thats how i solved it)
I havent spoiled it i hope x
You’ll never finish this without a reference unless you know these off the top of your head, so here >> http://www.unfiction.com/dev/tutorial/definitions.htm
11 years ago
FFS what planet does that bloke come from Friggin' Zorg?? More spoon feeding!! :(

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
ANONRA: I would’ve never finished the level if not for that link from DaMage, I think it’s fine to pass that kind of knowledge out. They’d have to read through it and (hopefully) learn about this type of thing and it is a useful reference for many other things too.

Hmm… I don’t think that link is so important to pass this level. One can pass the level without that definition. Anyone who has the same point of view?
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
I wasn’t on about you Wibben I was on about shiv mate sorry if you thought I was getting at you. I wasn’t :) Anyway the level is too simple for a hint; You only needed to check out the first three characters in notepad or something like it and you would have known it wasn’t a text file, it was a BMP file.
And I’m not being funny here, but to be truthful, if you need help passing this level you should try something else. Knitting maybe?? In fact if you use Opera on the level Opera converts it for you and displays the answer right in front of you. :) But saying that so does all the other browsers.
use this in the browser: https://www.hackthis.co.uk/levels/extras/b1.txt and it will display what the file is.

When you want to analyse something what you can do with that file ?
Try an hexadecimal viewer and you’ll see something which can help you :)
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

@dodzthehacker what’s the name of this hacking software ?
And are you sure it shows the answer ? You haven’t finished this level yet
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

Yes, you can see easily who’s cheating. When someone solve 10 levels in 5 minutes. not really about hacking :)
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

@feuerstein broke the rule :p

There’s no place like

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

Analyze the file, you should know the “truth” about the file.
If you dont know what your doing, google a little bit.
You have to change the file to its true self.

The best and the easiest way to do is , try to open the text file with different default apps in your computer , I am sure you will get with one or two of the programs

If you have no experience @LoneTimberWolf starting with main levels would be a smart choice.
Message me anytime!

Use the private message if you need help @brooke1997C.c
You can always PM us Many of us are French speakers too like @WHGhost , @Mugiwara27 and me :)
Oh, and your gender doesn’t matter here. We are all aliens
Message me anytime!

So I just completed this challenge, and I found out the solutions for the challenge are mostly outdated or not usable in windows 10. Just a hint for normal Windows 10 user like me, here is what you can do.
identify the file you downloaded, http://www.unfiction.com/dev/tutorial/definitions.htm will give a good hint on what you are looking at.
After identify the real format of the file, since most new applications or windows don’t read this particular file format anymore, you can try download File Viewer Plus to continue with your challenge, link below.

Well I’m on windows 10 and I still don’t need any particular tool to get the answer, maybe a bug on your computer ? Or maybe you didn’t think to modify a little thing. Did you check the solution section for this level to know where you might have been “wrong” (the important is that your solution worked but I don’t think it was the most efficient way to complete it)
Congratulation for solving it anyway !