
9 years ago


hello, I begin and i would like to know how to create a keylogger for iphone. Thanks



Google it!

9 years ago


Google is your friend.

Reply has been removed
9 years ago


hello my frend

Mystery [kapuccino]
9 years ago


If you don’t know anything about programming on iOS, never mind…

9 years ago


Yes, you can found a keylogger with google but it’s a challenge, i would like to create “my” keylogger

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
9 years ago


You can easily find a keylogger using google and if you want to make your own one, learn some programming languages like C, C++ or C#

9 years ago


Making a keylogger will be kinda easy, but you won’t really be able to push it on the Apple app store. The problem is, their review team actually looks at some of the code.

Anyways, as everyone has said. Google is going to be your friend on this one. However, you need to also find a way to side load it (which shouldn’t be that hard using xcode).

As a dev, you will need to learn Objective C and Swift (depending on the age of the iOS). For Android, you will need to know XML and Java.

9 years ago | edited 9 years ago



I just create an Hack This account , but I know myself well enough in Visual Basic ( the programming language )
I wanted to know if you advise me to do keylogger in Visual Basic (Windows) (with Visual Studio).

(I’m French and … I may bad make my sentences )

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


I’m also good on Visual Basic (the programming language) (under Windows of course) (just wanted to say).

When I was at school I coded a keylogger to get the password to enable internet connection on my station, it was funny… haha I still laugh when I think about that….
Anyway, if you meant to ask if it would be a great idea to code a keylogger in VB then yes, it can be a nice exercise.

9 years ago | edited 9 years ago



It can be done, and I most likely will do it some time in the future for my Tech Reviews and Help YouTube channel.

But in the mean time, you need to keep in mind the laws. Even more so in France. (check out the encryption laws that your country had in the 90s)

(NOTE: If you do want to see it on my channel, and I forget to do it in a few weeks. Then please feel free to let me know on here or my channel)

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