nmap not working on datacard

Map it

10 years ago


nmap isn’t running the scans on my laptop due to the data card and nmap doesn’t work on nmap. Is there any software which may work on data-cards. Its really hurts I worked the whole day on it to work but it just states only ethernet devices can be used.

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
10 years ago


What ? Nmap doesn’t work on nmap ?
Just run nmap and that’s all !
You don’t need to configure some settings or I don’t know what..

10 years ago


I tried everything but it still it gives the error that only ethernet devices can be used for raw scans on windows. Although I figured out a way by using –unprivileged switch but without the switch it doesn’t work

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
10 years ago


It’s strange, I don’t use ethernet but I can perform a Nmap scan without any problem

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


@Harry_Kione : That is exactly how you need to use nmap on Windows. You have to use that –unprivileged switch to make the command work. You can boot using a live Linux OS like backtrack or Kali Linux and then use the nmap command to find the answer. This is just an alternative.

PS: I just checked the command on Windows and it works with the unprivileged switch. So you don’t need the alternative. Good Luck.

10 years ago


wow thanks a lot now i can do something to solve this level…:P

10 years ago


You can find some good scanner even online!

10 years ago


will you please give me some examples of scanners I know some like ncat upgrade version of netcat but except that for windows version??

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
10 years ago


nmap is a good one

10 years ago


Remember that you need to find a suspisious service and what do these services run on? Once you get the answer to that then use the nmap accordingly to find the answer.

10 years ago


how to get root privilege in windows???? Its absurd cause there is no root in windows again I am using the –unprivileged mode by default so I think I need some other product … any help???

10 years ago


Get Namp - Zenmap GUI for windows =)
Worked perfectly for me !
You just have to run the right thing

10 years ago


yes it works for windows on Ethernet devices not on datacards like dongles etc…Its mentioned on the nmap.org itself…as windows has pulled restrictions on raw tcp/ip sockets after xp…my badluck i m using window7..if there is no replacement for nmap then i will solve it later after having linux os now i m doing other rounds already completed main basic 1 to 6 all javascript and intermediate 1-4 in 3 days…

10 years ago


Didn’t you say that it worked with –unprivileged? You can run things as administrator by right-clicking and selecting “Run as administrator”. Also make sure you know what it is actually scanning for; it might not be what you think it is.

B.t.w., you don’t need nmap to solve this. There are other options. For example, it’s not that hard to make your own program for it.

10 years ago


when you are using –unprivileged mode you don’t have root access so it doesn’t let me do fingerprinting scanning one can’t access -O -A etc switches in this mode

10 years ago


I spent the whole day searching for a way then used all forums with similar problem all answered that it can’t be done in windows 7 with datacard cuz no raw tcp/ip socket and i dont know how to create it or work around it

10 years ago


Question is, do you need those special options? Do you really need raw sockets?

[quote=http://nmap.org/book/inst-windows.html]Nmap only supports ethernet interfaces (including most 802.11 wireless cards and many VPN clients) for raw packet scans. Unless you use the -sT -Pn options, RAS connections (such as PPP dialups) and certain VPN clients are not supported.[/quote]

10 years ago


this level requires aggressive scanning doesn’t it???if yes then as much as i have researched today all answers were i can’t do root privileged scannings but i might have missed something….Isn’t there any other scanning software please

10 years ago


No, it doesn’t require aggressive scanning. In fact, I would advise against it as it is less reliable.

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