What ? Nmap doesn’t work on nmap ?
Just run nmap and that’s all !
You don’t need to configure some settings or I don’t know what..
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

@Harry_Kione : That is exactly how you need to use nmap on Windows. You have to use that –unprivileged switch to make the command work. You can boot using a live Linux OS like backtrack or Kali Linux and then use the nmap command to find the answer. This is just an alternative.
PS: I just checked the command on Windows and it works with the unprivileged switch. So you don’t need the alternative. Good Luck.

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

Get Namp - Zenmap GUI for windows =)
Worked perfectly for me !
You just have to run the right thing
Hint : Don’t overthink it.

yes it works for windows on Ethernet devices not on datacards like dongles etc…Its mentioned on the nmap.org itself…as windows has pulled restrictions on raw tcp/ip sockets after xp…my badluck i m using window7..if there is no replacement for nmap then i will solve it later after having linux os now i m doing other rounds already completed main basic 1 to 6 all javascript and intermediate 1-4 in 3 days…

Didn’t you say that it worked with –unprivileged? You can run things as administrator by right-clicking and selecting “Run as administrator”. Also make sure you know what it is actually scanning for; it might not be what you think it is.
B.t.w., you don’t need nmap to solve this. There are other options. For example, it’s not that hard to make your own program for it.

Question is, do you need those special options? Do you really need raw sockets?
[quote=http://nmap.org/book/inst-windows.html]Nmap only supports ethernet interfaces (including most 802.11 wireless cards and many VPN clients) for raw packet scans. Unless you use the -sT -Pn options, RAS connections (such as PPP dialups) and certain VPN clients are not supported.[/quote]