This site is safe ?

I’m wondering if this website is safe and serious about Facebook/Twitter Hacking service ?
Thanks for your reply.

I won’t not say it is, what I would do is learn to hack to hack them my self by reading online and trying to see if it works but it is not my fault if you were arrested or fined because it’s (hacking) illegal.
“When you die I will laminate you’re skeleton and pose you in the lobby.”
Veni Vidi Vici

It doesn’t seem like a scam to get your details unlike the majority of sites, but I haven’t looked to closely at the site. It simply creates a unique phishing site that you then send to your target, then it will send you any details that are entered into that URL. That being said when registering definitely do NOT use any of your real details or passwords!!
make your own phishing page if you need to?
create it in PHP scripting, and do not be a fool and google “how to make a phishing page”
Make it from a form, but wait… do not make an identical website like the email provider or the social networking
let’s be clever, make a fake socialnetwork page (preferably a female if the male is target)
make a website that looks legit to the fact of “picture votes”
make a background story, and then have the voting stuff, and then the social network login form to make the victim think it needs login to sumbit vote,
so make the form, and set it up once the data is submitted it redirects user to the social networking site,
(usually users have the “stay logged in” feature enabled so when redirected they are already logged in without the risk of suspicion )
be smart, delete the domain after use.
If it would work, facebook wouldn’t ignore it!
It wouldn’t be online anymore if it would work!
It’s fake, for sure! -.-

After login, U are redirected to this site:
when clicking “GO BACK” you are here:
There it says “COMING SOON”
So the whole thing isn’t even working -.-
@HUNON: how? :D
i explain again,
you make a website for picture voting, (competition)
but to vote the user needs to login with their Social account.
once they entered in information
$votes +1
echo “thank you for voting”;
redirect user to
and once you have information make the competition look legit or suspicion will rise!
another good Social Networking hat is the Facebook Red color sheme,
many users want the red facebook profile, and some even enter their login details into foreign websites to win the red profile page, which is fake….
This site is safe if you practice to hack on the levels etc because they are not real and you are not hacking anyone. This site does not tell you how to hack Facebook or Twitter its just some people who tell you how to hack it. I think this site is safe and there is nothing wrong with it.