Help me to translate a password


Hello everyone, I’m finally back here after a very long time! Happy New Year to all. I love you all.
I also need help friends. What can I use to translate a password for example 13a7fc2a3439d10cb657d76b4de5299353085c93 simply? who can give me a website? a tool?

10 years ago


What kind of hash is it?

10 years ago


In order to bruteforce an algorithm, you have to determine what it is (usually). In this case there are 40 characters. Search for algorithms that result in 40 chars.

This site will help you along the path of enlightenment.

10 years ago


tl0tr I think it is SHA1 or the likes. Sorry for the dup post… I think we posted at about the same time…

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
10 years ago


For me that hash look like a SHA1 or MySQL one

10 years ago


Hi @dalfor : I tried decryption it with both SHA1 and MD5 but it didn’t worked. So I think it’s something else.

Thanks for sharing that website @dalfor

I have checked on that website and it shows result as 61010325


when i tried to translate with the website u gave , they answer : “ Incorrect captcha. Please try again. ”
what can i do then ?

10 years ago


You are asking to hack something that you probably are not supposed to hack. In addition, the information given is not enough to help (even if I were so inclined - which I am not).


oooh i found the same result 61010325 as tlOtr


i want to open the facebook account of my wife ; ive only her name , her email but not her password ! how can i do . we’re married and i asked about her password and she refuse. i really need to know what she’s doing all the time online whith facebook. who could help me to get her password on facebook ???

10 years ago


The key here is that she refused. Feel free to read the disclaimer at the bottom of the page about illegal stuff.

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10 years ago


You might want to work on your trust issues and/or marriage.

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10 years ago


And I’m searching for mountains of gold and eternal happiness.

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10 years ago


It’s illegal. Now stop asking.

10 years ago


Heres a legal solution to ur problem. Buy the damn company (facebook). Then you will have all the information you require.

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
10 years ago


Good idea tl0tr

10 years ago


I just got done reading the entire thread, and I understand where your confusion is coming in. The reason why everyone stop helping you is because what you’re asking is illegal. In fact, we will be breaking major laws by just giving you the answer based on the grounds of conspiracy to commit a felony. The reason why everyone was helping you at first is because you never said your reason, and everyone had to assume you wanted to know for educational reasons.
In fact, you are breaking the law just by asking such thing.

Just because you are married, doesn’t mean the law starts seeing both of you as one (other than taxes and a few small other things). Ask yourself this, does the other go to jail if one of you kills someone.

Anyways, you will run into problems even if you used a cracker. Facebook has some stuff setup to prevent such thing from happening (a 2+ step). A monitor like wireshark also shouldn’t do jack for you because facebook is a https site. So I wouldn’t really waste your time in trying another approach other than working on the trust issues.

BTW, I think the mod needs to shut down this thread.

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