Real world hacking sim
Does anyone know of a good real-world like hacking sim? I’ve been trying to find one for a long while now and I’m coming up empty.
If no one knows of one. Would anyone like to get together and make the first one? I doubt there will be any money for us at the end, but I’m sure it would be fun putting all of our knowledge (like social networking, DDOS, and so on) together. Plus, I think it would be great for a resume fodder.
(If anyone wants to do this then I have some basic skills in coding for Android and iOS. I think it would be kinda cool to have a game that could give more if the player plays on their PC whenever, and then their mobile on the go.)
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Like not life.
I’ve never seen a full hacking simulation game that mimics the real world. Pretty much everything gets slightly in it (like GTA 5 with the dressing up and waiting to get in the back door of the tech company), treat it as magic (like watch dogs phone thing), have it as a mini game (like watch dogs) or use movie hacking (like uplink).
It would be nice to see at least 1 game that shown off real hacking.
White hats:
getting the job
research the company (social engineering, dumpster diving, etc)
finding the weakness and using it (Maybe using social engineering to get the ISP to give you the IP, dressing up like a worker and uploading a USB, cut into the wire and tap it, etc)
fixing the problem, if there is a problem
being limited to the laws (actually getting ding if you hack into the hackers stuff)
and so on
Black hats:
like the white hats, but obviously black hat style (getting the job, finding info out, etc) then on top of it, not getting caught
Super black and white hats:
Deal with state level hacking (shutting down power for an area, taking out a company, blow up power plants, etc)
company spies
I’m not sure about that. With sims taking off like warehouse simulator, trucking simulator, farming sims, lumber sims, digging sims, construction sims, forklift sim, car mechanic sims, space sims, rocket sims, and so on. There is even a depression sim, but no actual hacking sim (unless if you count this site).
I think it’s simply that no one has try to make a real hacking sim. That or it’s just so hard to get a hold of real hackers unless if you are one.
BTW, a lot of these are making a lot of money.
As far as the difficulty. I agree, but I would like to try to make something. Even if it’s somewhat realistic (about 70% or 80% realistic at min, I’m fine with about 20% of it being filler or something).
Most of those are relatively simple to make, I think, and don’t really require much skill to play. I think something like Uplink fits in these examples much better. Each task is basically the same and only varies in a very limited way.
But sure, try it. If everybody would listen to me, this world would probably grind to a halt instantly. :p
If I can’t get any help making it on a PC, then I’m thinking about making it like pick from the following option.
If I do get some help and it does come to the PC, then I was thinking about having a mini wiki within the game itself. Something where it knows what part of the game you’re at, and it will show (at start) what relates to that area the most.
Like if the person went to hack into a given router, they could use the wiki to find the en>sh run code.
I know this has very little to do with anything. But, I was thinking of just linking Pandora and Spotify within the game itself. That away we wouldn’t have to worry about music.
I hope this isn’t considerd an inapproprate link. But I’m looking into for doing something like this. If you can assemble a team; you create a fortress (VPServer on their private VPN) and hack other fortresses. Your fortress has to have specific configs like a CSM, two apps, ftp, ssh to name a few. There is an angle if you just want to participate solo but I haven’t subscribed yet ($49/mth). Going to finish my CCENT then subscribe to ctf365 as a reward. Hopfully learn some good basics from hackthis that will come in useful.