how can acces to level10pass.txt ?

Intro 12

10 years ago


hi guys sory for desturbing but i’ve got some issues to acces the “level10pass.txt” file can somone help plz

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Yes, what did you tried ?
- You know there’s is a file.
- You know where is it ? Did you learned those technique from past levels ?

10 years ago


ok thank you for remembring me of past levels “doublelord” i just figured it out …. thanks

10 years ago


Good, you’re welcome. ;)

Matt=mc2 [lutusa]
9 years ago


Ive tried past lessons learned and I can not get this damn file open? What am I doing wrong?
is what I thought would open the file but it does not work. can someone please just get me on the right track

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


Think about how you got the file for main level 8 ;)

Matt=mc2 [lutusa]
9 years ago


ok so i did
and it took me to a black page

what am I missing. level 8 I used extras/>>>> bla bla to get it.

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


You just told me the solution… as I said, think about what you did to get the secret file on level 8.

Matt=mc2 [lutusa]
9 years ago


i did that and its not working. I copied and pasted it in the URL after levels/ but when I do that with this file level10pass.txt it takes me to a blank page instead of opening the file. am I not putting it in the url right? i cant imagine how many diferent combos I could try I have tried everything with no sucess of opening the damn file. so frustrating

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


Hmm, the level is working perfectly fine so you are missing something….

You have to do exactly the same thing you did for main level 8, of course you need to change the file name with the one pertinent to this challenge… there is really nothing else to say without completely spoiling the chall :s

Matt=mc2 [lutusa]
9 years ago


send me the url exactly the way you opened it in a private message to see if i am doing it. I know I am. I put it in the url right after levels/ right? the file that is pertinent to this challenge that is. I can go back to 8 and open that file back up, but when I come to 10 and do the exact same thing it sends me to a paged called “ levels” that is blank. just a black screen. No encrypted password. I still have to learn to encrypt the password and my stupid thin want let me do it. I may go to fire fox and try it, im using google chrome righ now

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


Are you kidding me? I will not send you the “url exactly the way you opened it” :s
The browser you are using doesn’t really matter, you can do it even with a text based browser.

You are doing this:
Which is obviously wrong… this is not what you did for main level 8, right?

Matt=mc2 [lutusa]
9 years ago


ok it is what I did for level 8. except I used the file name

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Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


Oh com'on man… please remove the link immediately!

Of course you used the filename, else you wouldn’t be able to open it :/
Have you ever tried to change the filename?

Matt=mc2 [lutusa]
9 years ago


When in level 8 I used that file and it took me to a page with two seperate binary codes that I had to figure out

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


That’s exactly what you will also get for this level…

Matt=mc2 [lutusa]
9 years ago


K i delelted it sorry. just wanted to make sure. so what your saying is I have to change the file name that they are providing?

Matt=mc2 [lutusa]
9 years ago


But I don’t want to get the same file opened for this level as 8 right? or do I?

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


Omg, I thought it was clear by now… how you solved the other levels?

Think about this: If you want to open notepad on your windows you click on notepad right? what you click if you want to open Chrome?

P.S.: Remember, never post link to solutions on the forums!

Matt=mc2 [lutusa]
9 years ago


ok it may be clear to you and everyone else but its not to me cause the other levels I used the file they provided. if they said the file name was DUMBASS.TXT I USED THAT FILE NAME AND IT OPEND A PAGE. But for this level it don’t so obviously I guess what your saying is the file name they provided is not the actual file name I need to use? thats all I need the answer to Im not asking for the file name, wnat to know if the file they provide int he source code is what I use or not. THey provided the hidden file name in level 8, and in level 4, and in level 7 but you had to dig a little deeper to find it. but with this one the file name is not working so a simple “ the file name they are providing is not the file name you need to be using” would clear this confusion up.

Matt=mc2 [lutusa]
9 years ago


Ok I got it. sorry for the confusion just I am new to this.

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


Woah, take it easy man.

Ok so, “the file name they are providing IS the file name you need to be using”

Let’s say level 8 file is: level8.txt
Let’s say level 10 file is: level10.txt

For level 8 you need to access level8.txt and for level 10 you have to access level10.txt, that’s it.

Use the same method you used for level8 but this time use the file provided by level10.

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


[quote=lutusa]Ok I got it. sorry for the confusion just I am new to this. [/quote]

Hmm, we posted at the same time.

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Remove your post @thth776 , no spoilers here please!

9 years ago


Hey @thth776 What are you doing?

No more spoiler please and Can you have a spoiler removed.

9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


I’m sorry because I’m a newbie :D
But how can we translate that character @@ what’s kind of that? MD5, SHA1 or SHA256… @@

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Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


Omg, please stop that, recognizing the hash should be part of the challenge!!

Not to mention that if you read the forums you’ll find that spoilers are blushing in front of shameless howto guides.

9 years ago


Thank you @Marksman :)

9 years ago


@MrCyph3r Hmm.. yes, you’re right.
I don’t want to spoil. :/
Remove post!

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