Forum Medals

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


Just saw that Memoria is on rank 2 now and looked at his profile. There I saw that he got all the Forum-Medals but just ~186 Posts and now I wonder how that worked d:

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


It seems he flooded the forum with posts until he got the medal and then deleted them all

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


Well I thought it would remove the medals as well but that explains it ;)

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


You don’t know until you try :p I have been putting off adding code to revoke medals because it adds another level of complexity but it looks like I should probably invest some time into it now

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


Yea guess so :)
Not that everyone got the Forum-Medals tomorrow d:

Pawda [Memoria]
11 years ago


that was unfair to remove for the first guy abuse that system =p

11 years ago


shouldn’t they just remove his medals if he removes his posts because then they don’t exit so then his medal shouldn’t exist, also its a bit unfair on some people who have posted things properly and not spammed things and then delete the posts after it.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


Seeing as you did not report the bug yourself be glad futhure action was not taken against you :p

Pawda [Memoria]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Well, I did repoort it by myself to you by ticket and you even put back my posts number who was at a negative value :).

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


Now we can discuss here and all get the 1000 posts so where is the problem? d:
And finding the problem and thinking about a solution is even more interesting

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


The best solution is to automatically revoke medals when a user goes below the threshold to be awarded it

11 years ago


Ok so if we should see something similar to this we should report it to you and not make a tread about it, is that correct?

Pawda [Memoria]
11 years ago


put a captcha on posting -> problem half solve.

11 years ago


Yes ok then now we need the other half to solve this :)

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


@Try_Hard If you find a bug or exploit in the site you need to report it to an administrator … if not then your account maybe permanently removed.

@Memoria that is a terrible solution :p unless you don’t want any forum posts at all

11 years ago


Ok thanks flabbyrabbit ill report any bug or exploit and I will try and not make a big fuss about it but thanks for helping me out and telling me how not to get my account permanently banned. Thank you :)

Pawda [Memoria]
11 years ago


Honestly a good slution imo would be to disallow double posting or at least increase the time before post under one of your own post. If you have something to say you already can edit your previous post, bump are not mandatory every 30 seconds as well ..
Add to this a soundex like “post analyser” who will check if you’re not using the same messsage twice in an other topic.
Other point who can be usefull, basic use of curl doesn’t simulate “javascript enable”.

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


How about merging the Post and issuing a ticket!?

11 years ago


Memoria Ive seen something like that in another forum thing and its a good idea that you cant double post and what the other forums did was when you are going to post again and there is already one of your posts above when you posted something else that new post joined onto your old post so you couldn’t re-post something over and over again and get medals etc.

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


Like the idea, double posting isn’t really useful and the time could be a minute or even more, because hopefully everyone reads the posts above before he writes and then it shouldn’t be necessary to post twice in 1 minute.

But I don’t think something that checks if the same message has been posted before would be necessary because if you just want to get posts you could easily add something or change just a single word.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


All are nice ideas but aren’t necessarily related to or would prevent the problem being discussed in this thread. All could be circumnavigated with the use of a second user.

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


Well I’m not sure how you did it but I guess every time someone posts something you check whether he will get a medal for it or not. Can’t you just do the same vice versa? Every time someone deletes a post you check whether he still got the right amount of posts for a medal or not?

And I like the ideas because they are nice to avoid spam in general

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


That is the solution I am working on at the moment :) the other ideas should be considered at some point.

[quote=flabbyrabbit]The best solution is to automatically revoke medals when a user goes below the threshold to be awarded it[/quote]

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


Oh, didn’t see that but nice then I guess it will be done soon. d:
And I don’t think that there is so much spam in this forum anyway..

11 years ago


Yes I like the solution flabbyrabbit but may I ask how will you stop people from doing this in the future?

11 years ago


Maybe we can report the “suspect” people who do spam to @flabbyrabbit or moderator and wait until they finish investigate the suspect. If the suspect is positively a (potential)spammer, maybe spammer’s account will get warn or get ban.
Give advise to others via forum signature is a good idea but i don’t think it’s not good enough :p. But still better than do nothing :D

11 years ago


There has to be some way where we can warn people the consequences of spamming to get the forum medals and then deleting posts.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


Ok I am closing this thread … as the solution has already been found

[quote=flabbyrabbit]The best solution is to automatically revoke medals when a user goes below the threshold to be awarded it[/quote]

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