hello to the community :) I am again stuck at level 6. I think I have understood the need to add the same line of code than other names but when I did the “name” jeans “change is this normal ??
Thank’s ;)
This level is not that hard. All you need is a little knowledge about HTML and what are tags in HTML. Once you know that you can easily use Inspect Element or FIrebug to complete this level. Good Luck.
ok thank you I arrive to change with google chrome but not with firefox why ?? but I will go on google and learn to read and learn the htlm. firebug is specific to Mozilla? thank you for your help
F12 should open the Inspect Element Tool in the browser. Even that will work to complete this level but you need to know what you need to change or how to add a HTML tags using the Tool.
I had the solution since this morning I did not put the capital R ®. but objective succeeded :) :)
I managed with Google Chrome, so I’ll work on mozilla. Thank you to all who helped me.
I’ll close the discution thank you I see you at 7 forum. ;)
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