
Hi, the basic is have a good anti virus (not baidu), firewall configured. Don’t click in suspicious links or install bad programs, but 100% security maybe impossible. If Mitnick showed to the world that a off computer may be insecure I haven’t doubt about this.

Some websites shows the ranking anti virus. You can search on web like ‘top anti virus’ or ‘ranking anti virus’, sorry for incomplete answer, because I haven’t a big knowledge in this area.
flabbyrabbit is right, shutdown the pc to virus not working.
Sorry for my english, I don’t speak it very well.
The registration page of bitdefender, I don’t know if need a buy, but some av can be used in free verison.
good lucky.

There is no such things as 100% secure. The real question is what do you want it secured against?
Some people care about viruses or botnets others about privacy, some care about the goverment hacking your computer and some about ransomware. Being secure requires constant vigilance (as any other freedom).
You need to make sure to follow the latest news. For example lately there was quite a fuss about bios hacking. No anti-virus will help you against that.
Now days it’s usually more important to secure your google/facebook/phone rather than your computer.

Malware bytes is free and powerfull enougth, I am also using full version of Avast , which is very efficient in realtime running apps, also you can add some addon in chrome which are very efficient too.
You could also make secure are by using VM or partition your DD if you want to “practice” some experiment safely.
btw google is still yourbestfriend again ; ]
9 years ago
Now days it’s usually more important to secure your google/facebook/phone rather than your computer.
So true

The question is what do you call giving security. VM can prevent some problems, but if you start using it as your main browsing tool you’ll again encounter the same problem as using your own.
Maybe if you have a secure vm that is only used for certain operations, and even then it’s only limited amount of security.

Biggest danger is always mallware, i prefer to do important operations via remote desktop on my server where only factory software is installed, besides that i do a clean install of my server every few weeks, it’s done in 10 minutes so no pain at all.
An other good strategy is to realise that everything on your computer may be exposed to the world, so everything which is important for you, ENCRTYPT it!