Hack school web site.
Hi guy. I need to hack school web site, login are realy easy it’s just surname and password date of birth( IT SHOULD be so) but it’s not. I’m going to make a brute attack, but I have some difficulties so recomend me some brute tools for win, bad thing is Cain & Abel doesn’t function. I’m really exhausted :( I also have to hack email and i need tools and yors recomendations and support. Please :*

This post is 2 month old and @qirille has not been active here since then… He is probably already in jail…
Just because I am paranoid doesnt mean theyre not after me…
“People who doesn’t work hard doesn’t have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don’t understand the hard work necessary to be successful.”

Just because I am paranoid doesnt mean theyre not after me…
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”
11 years ago
I remember our principle made a presentation of the new school intranet, he accidently while logging pressed the browsing tap and typed in all of he’s password and the username wern’t hidden, woopa that gave me the idea of having fun and so i did, but hey that is many years ago, i laughed my ass of so much xD
Observing is a big part of hacking i believe :b
Peace out - Th3FjonG
Haha Nice!
If I’m correct it sounds like you’re on the computer not the website??? So Ima go with that… other ways you’d do this if you’re hacking the user login on the website such as xss and sql injection.
get on any user who will let you use their account for a second via friend or teacher maybe?
start > r (hot key for run) cmd
now you’re in your command shell type the following:
net user username outputpassword123
simple username should obviously be the victims username and the output password should be the new password
for syntax/realistic example:
net user lopez 4/13/93
If that doesn’t work or your command shell is locked or denied access, boot from a linux live cd/dvd and gain access to the windows md5 hash and decrypt it yourself. If you don’t know how….. Google!!! :D
If you’re too lazy to do so you can always resort to OphCrack which is a linux live dvd flavour designed for cracking user passwords automatically on a couple different OS now. Download, Burn, pop it in at start up, disk boot options key, select live cd/dvd, boom!!! You’re golden!
Here’s OphCrack:
11 years ago
KON boot would be even faster than ophcrack ;) and it only changes files temporary so when you take out the boot disc/usb to hide your trace it’ll already be done from the time you boot up again ;)
KON boot is awesome, there is a post in the forums some place :)
11 years ago
@jayssj11 : You’re cool (y)
hmm… maybe instead of trying to hack their system perhaps try to help prevent this type of attack. i promise you will get much farther in life but doing just that. i started messing with some of my schools transcript files and i started looking at them. I was a student at this school and i really had no idea what the heck i was doing. i saw a file that said “Transcripts” and i knew that i wanted to see what was inside… once i got there after taking control of the file was i started looking at some of my friends files… but the bigger picture is that it was VERY easy to get in. so i decided that i didn’t want anyone else to try and do what i did so i asked to help my school and be on their IT group. i made it in and now i have full admin rights to my school… that will look very good when i start college and pursue my career in IT security. just think, i wanted to hack their system and f*ck them up, but i decided that it wasn’t worth it. the moral of this small story is instead of trying to be dark, maybe shine a little bit of light and think about the possibilities. :)
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the Evilest mother fucker in the God damn valley.
11 years ago
Very nice post!
Did not have a school website :(, yet i always fork bombed the servers at college and at work when ever i felt like not working, gave me like 30 min smoke break, so did the others even if they did not smoke :P
I Hate Signatures.
11 years ago
fork bombed ?
could you explain it a little further if you got the time ? :)
i’d like to know more about it :P
fork bomb is forking an empty process on the cpu, how can i say it in a clear easy way…
you run a command/application that loops on it self, each loop opens a new cpu process, when it loops it takes another process and so on until the cpu is full and can no longer do any new processes and that would cause the server/computer to freez.
you do while loop that uses a fork command that is already on *nix based computers.
example on *nix (the most elegant): :(){ :|:& };:
for windows you can run a .bat that would do an endless loop.
in programming languages its a loop that never ends
basic things i said, may not be accurate, but it will do understanding the basics.
I Hate Signatures.
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the Evilest mother fucker in the God damn valley.
11 years ago
Oh I see :)
Used that way back when i went to school :P
no security back then :b

SQL injection is basically “injecting” sql to an existing SQL clause to make it perform something that was not originally intended.
I think it should be pretty clear to you after you read the CTF follow-up, where I have explained the SQL injections there (https://www.hackthis.co.uk/ctf/1.0/) also there is an article about sql injections (https://www.hackthis.co.uk/articles/about-sql-injections-with-ms-sql-server)
- daMage

Here is AppGeeker which can crack user password.
You will need another computer to make an ISO image to a CD/DVD rom which you can then boot your computer to make the fix.

“When you die I will laminate you’re skeleton and pose you in the lobby.”
Veni Vidi Vici