depends entirely on how you did the change. Not all tools work alike. If you want, you can send me a PM and explain in detail what you did and perhaps I can give you a nudge in the right direction.
- daMage
11 years ago
It’s easy daMage he cheated! :)
I remember my IT school director claiming “Cheating is a form of intelligence”. The most important for him is just to never get caught haha
11 years ago
Guess he was a cheat too then. Maybe that’s how he passed his teaching certificate. Lol :)
From the guy who stolen the blueprints of a military plane, replace “la joconde” by a porn star, the yescard maker and one of the most famous black hat in this world, maybe he cheated for his degrees but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve respect.
11 years ago
Do you understand what a cheat is and its definition? To deceive by trickery, to swindle, to deprive by trickery, to defraud, to mislead, to fool, to act dishonestly. In other words to violate rules deliberately. So you look up to a scumbag like that? Someone who can’t do it by them self but need to copy others. Also a Black Hat too. Which is used to describe a hacker (or really a cracker) who breaks into a computer system or network with malicious intent. Yeah right, nice person! As far as I’m concerned he doesn’t deserve any respect.
My meaning is even thought he cheated, you can’t simply put a cheater tag on him or affirm he doesn’t have the skill to do now what he copied before or he is not able to do something by his own.
Find way for cheating may use your imagination to it maximum where applied your basic knowledge is just calling to your memory on what you learnt before (and then actually copy from others knowledge because you didn’t know yourself before ? Oh wait that’s also can be considered as cheat…)
For the rest, I do not idolate him or anyone else, but I agree with him cheating is a form of intelligence.
In the real life it will ask to you to fix a problem and no one care how you did but just care on a result.
There is many degree of cheating and everyone not as bad as everyone think.
Cheating might call to your imagination, as much as trying to find out from nothing.
Actually, @starxz deserve more credit than me on this level because I’m sure he spend more time than me to find the answer.
I didn’t try to find out how I can have the password, I already knew where it was suppose to be from my experience, I’ve learnt nothing new from this.
The guy found a video tutorial showing him how to solve a level and the one who read a tutorial to passed it worth the same.
Most of chance the first one spend more time to find the video than the second one to copy paste from the tutorial without understanding.
The world is made by cheater who are stealing ideas, improving them sometimes but it still starts from something that’s not obviously belong to the guy released the solution.
By the way I still respect your opinion. I like him for being able to be a real asshole in real life and not afraid on meeting to claim things like new students are like flying wallet.
And it’s because guys like him the world is not a pure chaos with too easy free access in bank system.
Cheater, Cracker whatever you call them made the system security improve not the “white hat”. You need to think how to destroy a system if you want put security on it.
I will just finish on a sentence from Albert Einstein:
Imagination … is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
Ha! Ha! Ha! I just love a wind up! Nice one! Only having a joke with you mate.
No offence meant. But I really can’t stand cheats. In any form! Have a good one! :)
I know, you always yelling at people who are cheating on hackthis, I’m not supporting them I just wanted to expose another point of view, no offence meant as well. :o