With WeChall being down at the moment, I figured it couldn’t hurt to put a list of challenge sites here. This list was taken from WeChall and some sites may no longer be active or temporarily down.
Thank you! I’m already registered in some websites here in the list, I went to your profile on WeChall a while ago to try new websites. (You’re the one with more challenging websites) :)
Looks like WeChal is back up. Thanks so much for sharing this! Question though: Does anyone have an account that can sync up to HackThis!! and that is the correct reference to this site right? Perhaps the issue is related to the downtime experienced a month or so ago.
Or maybe it’s just a broken feature. Would be awesome to have a centralized refrence to your progress.
It really depends on your own experience and taste. For the inexperienced, sites like Security Override or EnigmaGroup might be easiest to get started with. WeChall itself has a pretty nice range of challenges.
In general I would just say, try stuff out and see if it triggers you to keep playing. Just realise that most sites are not as tolerant to the kind of questions that fill many of the threads here.
[deleted user] 9 years ago
Hi all,
I share with you an other website that list several CTf virtual machines that you can download and use for pentest training