Main Level 2 Solution

Intro 2

9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


It is using span with custom style which sets the text’s foreground color/colour to black to hide it (as by default, this site uses the black background color/colour), answer can be seen if you select all (cmd/ctrl+A) while on web-page.

Here is my automated JavaScript solution for Main Level 2.
By saying “automated”, I mean when you execute the following JavaScript script I wrote, it will display username and password to your screen.
It will autofill user and pass elements/fields with appropriate values, and automatically submit the form for you as you run the code :)
<3 XPath.

Run the following JavaScript code from JavaScript console in your web-browser while on web-page:
```function getElementByXPath(xpath)
return document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;

var username = String(getElementByXPath(“//[@id=\"main-content\”]/div/div[2]/div[2]/form/fieldset/span[1]“).innerText);
var password = String(getElementByXPath(”//
document.getElementById("user”).value = username;
document.getElementById(“pass”).value = password;
alert(“Username: ” + username + “\nPassword: ” + password);

P.S. I love JavaScript.

Greetings from OmegaExtern.

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