Security flaw on site
Hello , I think there’s a security flaw on this site…. During one of the levels, I saw a list of usernames in the firebug menu and clicked on mine and a few to see why they were there…. Anyway, they seem to have been saved into my 1Password app for Safari and now it has given me the ability to log into someone else’s account? Hmmm, can’t be good?
“During one of the levels” can you be a bit more specific? Are you sure you are able to login to other users accounts?
I only got this login…I was on the beginner levels, but somehow it saved a user called - which is what I’m logged on with now….. Which wasn’t my username… I was just clicking on users in Firebug out of curiousity, and noticed new logins had been saved in 1Password, might be nothing… but I thought I’d let you know.
Maybe, somehow the text got copied into my 1Password app, the username seems to only be 999 and pass is something like 111, maybe that text somehow got copied and per chance it happened to be a real username… Ordinarily nothing would have happened, but someone here has decided upon a really low-security username and password combo?