Help with changing user agent

Secure agent

9 years ago


Ive learned how to change the user agent from however i am unsure of how to get “secure_user_agent” into html format for the string value. Am I just oblivious to something I learned in the past levels? Im also not even sure if I have to do this. Any help would be great thanks.

9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


Hello @NetPhreak.
I know how to do it with JavaScript. Simply, override the default getter on navigator :)
You can change “secure_user_agent” string value to whatever you wish to.

Execute the following JavaScript code to override your current user-agent (this is temporarily; one-time use per page visit):
var newUserAgent = "secure_user_agent"; navigator.__defineGetter__("userAgent", function() { return newUserAgent; }); alert("User-Agent set to: " + navigator.userAgent);

Greetings from OmegaExtern.

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


Sometimes it is faster to do it with an addon, however you can use any method to complete this challenge.

Why do you need html format for an user agent?

here you can find some more info, but I’ll show you an excerpt of the wiki page:

[quote=wiki]The User-Agent string format is currently specified by Section 5.5.3 of HTTP/1.1 Semantics and Content[/quote]

This should help you understand it a little bit better ;)

9 years ago


Well im using firefox add on and basically just trying to copy what i see in the pictures. I just dont know if i have to override it first as shown in the photos and then create the secure_user_agent or what. And im still not clear on what i enter as the string value after i name it “secure_user_net. Im pretty confused with most of these things as ive steered clear from computers for most of my life lol

9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


Clarify yourself. It is all about what extension do you use?
I would use Google Chrome as web-browser, and “User-Agent Switcher for Chrome” extension.
Then navigate to Extensions page, click on “Options” link under the name of User-Agent Switcher for Chrome extension.
This will bring up new web-page for managing user-agents. It is very easy to create one from there.
Just fill in first two fields with name of the agent.. Use “Replace”.. Indicator, that’s what text will be shown on the icon in browser-extension section.. I usually just put 1 there.. Once you add it, to activate it, close Extensions tab, go to another website, or just open new tab, then click on user-agent switcher extension icon in browser-extension section (top-right corner), then click the name, and then the name again..
Go look at FAQ of the extension you have downloaded for Mozilla Firefox, you should find the answer there.

P.S. To verify, you can visit here.

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


Ok, a little bit of confusion here… follow what @OmegaExtern said and you should be able to get it correctly.

I just wanted to specify one thing, the name of the useragent, as shown in any ua switcher, is not the actual user agent, it is just a convenience name to remember it, the ua string is what you enter on the ‘value’ field… so when you understand what user agent string you need it is just a matter of setting the value accordingly.

9 years ago


Ok im starting to understand. Sorry for the confusion i dont quite have a grip on all the terminology yet but i downloaded chrome and ill see how things go. Hopefully ill get back with results soon. Thanks guys

Reply has been removed
9 years ago


Finally completed the level! Now i realize how easy it was haha thanks for the help guys!!..whata headache

9 years ago


@NetPhreak : You might want to remove your post or put it in a spoiler. It’s like giving the steps how to complete the level.

9 years ago


will do thanks for the headsup

9 years ago


and close the thread (dont' forget to turn off the lights;)

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


I’m glad that you got it :)

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