Stuck at algorithm

Custom encoding

9 years ago


Let me ask is my algorithm to encrypt “h” character is correct

h = 104 real ascii
get new ascii 104 - 32 = 72 is new ascii of h
substract total visible ascii with value, 95 - 72 = 23
get the character at this position, new ascii 23 = char 7
get real ascii this character 7 = 55

so “h” will be 55 ? am i correct ?

thanks for your help

? [bolofecal]
9 years ago


No, you must try reverse the method to cryptography.

9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


@bolofecal i just follow encryption method in TXT file, so far, my understanding how encryption method work just like i said above. yeah i need to know how encryption method work before i do some reverse engineering, so is my encryption method in the right path ?

i dont understand what you meant by “reverse the method to cryptography” may i know the example ?

? [bolofecal]
9 years ago


You must understand the method and aplly reverse engineering about the method.

Sorry for my english.

9 years ago


@bolofecal so my algorithm wrong ? can you give me example to encrypt “a” character with this encryption method ? just give me hint if answer algorithm is violate TOS hehe

? [bolofecal]
9 years ago


convert ‘a’ to respective ascii value, add the value informed in step 1.

In step 2 you must know ascii table (

step 3: just put in csv

I can’t explain more, I’ve already notified by this.

9 years ago


No, “h” is not 55. You probably have a different idea of what counts as “visible”…

bolofecal, he is not asking how to solve it, just for info on the algorithm.

? [bolofecal]
9 years ago


Of couse, I’ve try many attemps because the count of visible characters.

9 years ago


@Mart @bolofecal uhmm… yeah i think my problem is about visible character coz i got information from other thread which i dont test it. so let me count manually. and i will back :D thanks for your help.

? [bolofecal]
9 years ago


You’re wellcome.


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