I have no idea what I'm doing.
I checked all the other threads, and honestly, I did not understand a word you intelligent-ass people are talking about.
I find nothing more depressing than optimism.
j5 seems pretty easy. The trick is to click esc right after you click cancel, then search through the source code and java alert something for the password. I’m sorry if I gave too much of a hint, but I think it’s fine for myself
I find nothing more depressing than optimism.
Then you probably should learn some JavaScript before you come back to those levels..
And keep in mind that Java and JavaScript isn’t the same.
in the code it says this:
a = window.location.host + "";
b = a.length;
c += ((5*10)*2);
d = String.fromCharCode(c,-(37-Math.floor(1806/13)),Math.sqrt(b-2)*27,(b*8)-36);
if (p==d) {
window.location = "/levels/j5.php?pass="+p;
} else {
window.location = "/levels/";
what is it doing? Think about that.
I find nothing more depressing than optimism.
you don’t have to know java for this… use any programming language you know and it should make sense. EVEN html. It’s a bunch or variables with “if” statements. If you really are stuck, check the IF and SWITCH statement section of this.
I find nothing more depressing than optimism.
really? I thought there were IF statements in html… oops, he’s probably trying to everything about html right now and getting nowhere…
I find nothing more depressing than optimism.
Just take a look at that C++ link I posted, the if statements should clear you up on what you are trying to find
11 years ago
okay now this very crazy. After looking at the source code only one word came out of my mouth and I don’t know for what reason I eneterd it as the password and it worked. Then I tried couple of other words but it didn’t worked. hint: the password which i used was used before in a previous level.
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
This level really fried my brain. One of the simplest ways is to use the URL bar, I can’t believe it took me so long to figure that out.
C or C++ is good if you want to dive deep fast. Both can be confusing with pointers in the beginning, and in my opinion other languages can be simpler… For example python. It is of course more about your preference than anything else…
Im to lazy to wright a sig :)
I know you’re question was about programming or the mission or something? idk I didn’t read it. Just thought I’d say, “Hey you’re not alone… None of us know what we’re doing, just one of those things.” Not applying to this but yeah…. Life…. When in doubt, Google, Parkour, and…. idk if you’re in a really odd mood listen to planet caravan by black sabbath I guess… idk up to you.
Fuck! I mean why does technology have to be so advanced like… idk … night
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
Post removed.
lol :D
11 years ago
Use Scratchpad for all levels in JavaScript level. Except for the first one. It is pretty simple.
Alright so it says that p=prompt which is the password, d is a string, so if you look closley at the code you’ll see (p==d) then you should try to alert something using the URL ain’t going to say what it is because if you know just some simple Javascript you’d know how to alert something using JS in URL.(If this is wrong please do a reply comment and explain to me what did I explain wrong and maybe I should get better at Javascript, if this comment gives the answer DELETE IT.)
Sup ? :)
11 years ago
Sorry damage, but you know how it is when we have the noobs who attempt to spoil the fun with lame answers. I thought that was the case, my bad. :)
[quote=LaNguAx]if this comment gives the answer DELETE IT[/quote]
How about you think first and post after… I can’t be here watching 24/7. You obviously have a brain, how about you use it? :)
- daMage
11 years ago
Si. Think before you post, lol.
-i think that i have to use math too. But i don t undestand how i can solve this (it s not write like usual maths language).
a = window.location.host + “”;
b = a.length;
c += ((510)2);
d = String.fromCharCode(c,-(37-Math.floor(1806/13)),Math.sqrt(b-2)27,(b8 )-36);
if (p==d) {
-I know that the solution is if “p==d” ,but i don t undestand for example “b=a.lenght”.
help me pls.
11 years ago
Hi antoinemartin826,
You need to find the value of c from the source code and then open scratchpad from Mozilla Firefox by pressing Shift + F4 and do the magic. From the above code you can see that you don’t have the value of c. a, b, c+ & d is defined but you don’t have the value of c. Search for it, it’s in the source code somewhere once you find it you will be able to get the password.
11 years ago
You don’t need to work out the maths for the level, it’s probably quicker to just alert a variable. :)