help im being hacked
okay so here’s my predicament/my catch 22
it started a few days ago my comp was playing up and files were being deleted i thought i had a virus and installed four different scanners but they found no viruses so i tried net view command in cmd but nothing but an error showed up so then my comp tries shutting down i used shutdown -a to stop it then finally got rid of a rouge ip but my comp keeps playing up.
my question is : 1/can i repair my windows xp to full working order without formatting
2/how do i stop said hacker from coming back
3/what is the best way to protect my modem/internet/comp/network???
get back to me by inbox or by posting thanks :)
it sound funny to me.. its hard for a hacker to get into your LAN, it could be a virus, Scanners don’t always pick them up… viruses can store them self in your registry… try a boot time scan…

1: windows have a restoration system, if you’re lucky you will have a restoration point just before you got your problems started
2: cut the internet.
3: best ? cut the internet hehe.
honestly if antivirus//scans find nothing and restoration doesn’t fix your problem best easy and quickest way if formatting and by the way take care what you’re downloading in the future ~~
also if you really think it’s not a virus, you might need a firewall if you don’t already have one that’s a good start.. as a non experimented user, a computer without firewall is like a man walking naked in a gay club.
ive been doing scripting for 4 years now and i cant find anything wrong ill restore thanks and its not a virus i have avast mcaffee search and destroy and spiker running non stop from boot till shutdown but net view wont work anymore so cant get ip’s for got about firewalls ill get mcafees running again thanks for the help :) and do you know of any programmes that do the same as net view??
i will format eventually but i cant back up my files for about a fortnight and dont want to loose them
“People who doesn’t work hard doesn’t have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don’t understand the hard work necessary to be successful.”
too late haha my hard drive got killed it wont even format im on my back up 30gb one :‘( not enough space on it haha guess im saving for a few week for another 160gb
if i knew they was there id have killed the connection but by the time i figured it out the damage was already done its my own fault really i should have had better security wont be making that mistake again my four antiviruses and my two fire walls will be trippled by the time im done :)

“When you die I will laminate you’re skeleton and pose you in the lobby.”
Veni Vidi Vici
just this one and facebook only things i ever use oh but i down loaded mantra that might have had a virus or something god knows what type cas it passed all my barriers
be making that mistake again my four antiviruses and my two fire walls will be trippled by the time im done
Multiple anti-viruses are not a good thing. They tend to interfere with one another and sometimes cause less protection in the process.
Hacking is alot like modding: Entity
oh i didnt know that ive got them all running all the time wonder if i should dissable most of them or find a way to make different process nets hmmm can that even be done ???
TroyMac1ure is quite correct. Running more than one anti virus software at once is not the done thing. They can and nearly always conflict with each other. XP is an old system. You should think about an upgrade. Watch out for programs you copy from your system to your backup drive as they might be infected. Doing a system restore is a waste of time. Because if you have a virus it will almost certainly be in a section of your operating system that is restored. The best thing you could do is: install an updated operating system onto a new drive where you have deleted all the partitions on the drive and then created new partitions and then formatted the drive. This will stop any virus from being on the drive. Install your new operating system and then when the machine is working correctly install one antivirus ‘Avast’ is not bad and it’s FREE. Now connect your old drive back up to your machine and start to copy across your files from that drive but before you copy anything across scan it with the anti virus. When you have all your files, pictures, videos and music copied across. Simply format the old drive and use it as a store for your files and software you want to keep. OK?
okay any recommendations for new os i tried vista it was security overkill lost my admin password it was a piss take to get it back tried 7 not my cup of tea and Ubuntu im hopeless with any good os' that have a gui instead of terminal and are set up on format for you??
11 years ago
Its easy to get access to your computer, easier than you might think ;)
Can you give any details ??
Did you visit any strange homepages, did anyone email you any pages ??
you might be a victim to Social Engineering or some penetration tester who’s having he’s fun ;)
it most likely would be a Virus but if it is a “hacker” as you believe i would suggest plugging off your internet and see if the problem is fixed, if not its a virus, since the “hacker” wouldn’t have access to your Computer without Internet ;)
hope i’m not to high to explain :D
Actually it is not so easy - just turn off the sharing, close few ports and have a decent AV on board. Listen to Trinity - after getting up the Avast (I also use it…sometimes :P ) set the boot time scan. After first catch hit up the Chest, for further info gathering - if the stuff was virus. If I understood well, your HD crashed already, right? Seems to me like the S.M.A.R.T gone wild…
— Scientia potentia est —