Geek jokes

Hi everyone,
I don’t know why but I really love geek jokes. I guess it make me feel intelligent… so here is one for you… I hope you will enjoy! Feel free to post more!
“They say that when you play the Microsoft CD backward, you can hear satanic messages … but that’s nothing. If you play it forward……….. it will install Windows!”
Another one:
“There is only 10 type of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don’t”
See Ya
Just because I am paranoid doesnt mean theyre not after me…

Following along the windows bashing theme:
“The box said requires Windows Vista or better. So I installed Linux”
Signs Your Co-worker Is a Computer Hacker.
You ticked him off once and your next phone bill was for $20,000.
He’s won the Publisher’s Clearing House sweepstakes 3 years running.
When asked for his phone number, he gives it in hex.
Seems strangely calm whenever the office LAN goes down.
Somehow gets HBO on his PC at work.
Mumbled, “Oh, puh-leeez” 95 times during the movie “The Net”.
Massive 401k contribution made in half-cent increments.
His video dating profile lists “public-key encryption” among turn-ons.
For his welcome voice on AOL, you hear, “Good Morning, Mr. President”.
You hear him murmur, “Let’s see you use that Visa now, Professor

Dumbest hacker was fun!
This is probably from the same guy:
Dear visitor,
You just received a computer virus.
Since we are not really advanced, this is a manual virus.
Please delete all the files on your hard drive and send this mail to everyone you know.
Thank you very much for helping us
Just because I am paranoid doesnt mean theyre not after me…

I found it elsewhere but I’m pretty sure it’s the same…
Just because I am paranoid doesnt mean theyre not after me…

Dear visitor,
You just received a computer virus.
Since we are not really advanced, this is a manual virus.
Please delete all the files on your hard drive and send this mail to everyone you know.
Thank you very much for helping us
Here is the real one:
DaGr8Kornolio, I got this for a door mat out front. My friends just look at it and give a bewildered stare.
Hacking is alot like modding: Entity
That’s a classic joke all over the internet. An idiot who doesn’t realize that everyone may have as a default IP

Just because I am paranoid doesnt mean theyre not after me…
Well if a bomb technican runs aways that must mean that he did a bad job and couldn’t deactivate a bomb or something…
So if you don’t want to see the firework you better keep up..
oh I get it now, at first I thought it was that he was planting bombs annd people should keep up to stop him, but the way you showed it to me makes it way funnier
Could also be someone who plants the bomb but then I guess you should run because it could detonate every second..
yeah but an incompetent technician is funnier because we are used to laughing at failing people rather than terrorists.

You must take time to laugh before the end of the day… For the ones that didn’t read the previous joke… take the time! And for the others here is a new one (which is old in fact… XD)
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning
Just because I am paranoid doesnt mean theyre not after me…