DDOS tools
Slowloris can be effective even with just a single box (DOS instead of DDOS).
Another good tool for slowloris (among others) is slowhttptest
- daMage
LOIC - Batch version
LOIC - Website version
from my experience there are tools that can generate lot more traffic, such as hping. But then again, it doesn’t come with a point-and-click ui :p
- daMage
loic lol i guess he didnt hear about the fbi backdoor and the fact the tool blows ass and is .net and you can just use pyloris or slowloris as the mage said alot of servers have been fixed against this attack and some servers such as nginx isn’t vuln to this i believe although i don’t do ddos so i don’t know for sure
i bake therefore im fried!!

help me
i want DDOS sever : http://forumjx4u.com/diendan/