Video editor for windows
I know that this is off topic but I thought it was kind of rellated to technology so yeah, This friend was harrasing me for the past week because he is looking for a good free video editor so I told him kdenlive because I am on linux but he is on windows, does anyone know a good free video editing thing for windows.
Used to be lexostras…. but i got tierd of my name so now it’s worst…..
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ok thanks @vanyle
Used to be lexostras…. but i got tierd of my name so now it’s worst…..
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@dedsec_shadow I told him to get a crack but he is not really into getting cracks because of viruses :s
Do you know any good free ones instead of windows movie maker??
Used to be lexostras…. but i got tierd of my name so now it’s worst…..
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@tehron I don’t need a video editor, it is for a friend and we don’t have money to get one like adobe premier or sony vegas.
And what the hell editing video with vim, I gess with hex editing you could do something, maybey…
but still thx
Used to be lexostras…. but i got tierd of my name so now it’s worst…..
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@lexostras it depends on what he needs, there are quite a few movie editors these says.
thanks a lot @tl0tr
Used to be lexostras…. but i got tierd of my name so now it’s worst…..
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