Hi guys, for this level i am able to pop up the alert with the Obfuscation method but it does not pass the level !
How could I proceed ?
Sorry for the bad english I am french :D
@tl0tr post can help you.
You have to inject the exact string into the page. Maybe you forgot ‘;’?
bolofecal, i have looked the post but the hint was hidden ( you know “undetected…”) and tehron, i have checked and i did not forget the “;”.
but am I in the right way with this method ?
What exactly is your method? If you considered it a spoiler PM to me pls.
You need to execute exactly: <script>alert('HackThis!!');</script> So think of a way of entering in the code so what you need will still get through.
Keep it UndeUndetectedtected
And here I was, thinking this challenge couldn’t be spoiled any further…
thank you all i have passed this level and i realize that it was quite easy
Sorry I’ve edited it. It was too much of a spoiler. Glad I could help though.
[quote=dloser]And here I was, thinking this challenge couldn’t be spoiled any further… [/quote]
Too true @dloser, too true
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