Basics of html

It’s a good start imo, but please do NOT ever use tables for anything that isn’t tabular data. Even if it might be easier it’s one of those bad habits that makes changing the layout later on really hard. See for a longer explanation.
One way to think of it is that the HTML is used ONLY to structure data. For example using the header-tags to structure a text into headings and sub-headings, or separating one article from another. Anything that has to do with the layout should be put in an external css file.
print(", ".join([str(x) for x in range(1,100) if not [y for y in range(2, x) if x%y==0]]))
Thanks about the answer maybe i will make for css too :)
and if someone want make a small website with just info of his company or anything i don’t think that anyone will care if it is table or not.But ok i will edit it and write never use table for anything that isn’t tabular data…
Unfair Website….!!!!
If you want to learn more about html, css, javascript and even sql, you should check -bad link removed-.
Removed the link, b/c flabbys suggestion, maybe Webplatform would be better source.
- daMage

W3Schools is not entirely terrible, I learnt quite a lot of what I know for it … but as described in my link it does have its problems
I’ve found is ok for a starting point :D
I would love to change the world, but they won’t give me the source code.
what u need is what u get when u’re hacker !!! xx

I’ve learnt HTML and CSS from here:
There’s also a PHP beginner’s tutorial (by the same author, who is an excellent teacher if you ask me):
Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !
when the time has come , I shall rise and conquer the world

There’s some good sites for easy learning html,css,js,php,ets etc
1.Code academy(html,css,js etc missions)
(some missions are bugy and it’s required quick reset ,nothing scary)
2.w3school(teoretic & “try by yourself”)
3.Polycademy(php missions)

There are some problem in php programming. I just wanna recommend you use the other programming language like aspnet,dot net ,java which gives you better result.You will be more satisfy by using them instead of php.
“People who doesn’t work hard doesn’t have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don’t understand the hard work necessary to be successful.”
If you want to learn any coding then it might help if you go on Google and search w3schools it tells you A LOT about each type of coding language! takes me back a bit ^__^