I hate this Captcha.

Captcha 1

9 years ago


I tried many times with diferents ways (resize, change color, etc, etc) and its not even close to match.
i used Python and pytesseract module for OCR and PIL for Image Edition. e.g. the letter Q its NEVER recognized as Q, always as O or C.

maybe use patterns storage in each letter can be viable?



I had the exact same problem, try to replace them manually in your code!

9 years ago


i will make a dictionary with images of each letter then i’ll divide the captcha in peaces to compare it and get the text. :D i hope will work

Richard Brook [RichardBrook]
9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


I never had a problem with the O’s or Q’s, but with S’s and 5’s I had. I do’t know exactly how your code is but I used tesseract too.
Try to resize like this to see if it recognizes it
im.resize((int(nx * 10), int(ny * 7))

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


I’m pretty sure you can manage to get a 100% match for every captcha on this one… however, keep in mind that on captcha cracking you rarely get a 100% reliability.

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9 years ago


Attempts: 1532. Incomplete.
Do anyone now simple way to teach Tessaract?

9 years ago


The easiest would be to do it from the browser.. ;)
I used JS via the debug console for this using an extremely simple set of methods.
The captcha flew straight into my net.

9 years ago


I’ve solved this problem in C#. Wrote my own little library (to keep the fingers in shape). Functionally, think about what you would do manually to scan a picture and compare it to another. One part of my library learns what the characters in the images look like, the other part uses that information to recognize other characters. I was able to use this library to solve the first 3 captcha levels. Almost done with Captcha 4, just one nasty glitch in the way standard .NET processes images.

For me this was more of a coding-practice than the Coding levels :) As always (not just with coding): Think what you want to achieve, think about how to achieve it functionally, then think about a way to let the computer handle that functionality and test it before you use it.

Good luck!

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SIGKILL [r4v463]
8 years ago


You call that complication, others call it learning… each one his views.

8 years ago


And you should count at least with 3 pixels blur. (sometimes)

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