Hello Guys..
No turning back.

Hey @alejbern welcome on hackthis ! Don’t forget to read the articles section, you will learn some interesting things !
If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you. but if you really make them think, they’ll hate you.
~ Harlan Ellison
Welcome alejbern, as Memoria said, the articles section is always a really good place to start. Hope you enjoy your stay here.
The only person you ever should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday.

well not only good hackning, if u attend carefully, u will also learn Programming and expert hackings too
IsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIs toIs it stealing if it already is stolen?
Thank you guys… ^^ I’m having fun trying to solve the levels already (currently at M10)
Never been to th articles but I’ll try it right away, thanks ^^
No turning back.
You should start with this article :http://www.hackthis.co.uk/articles/understanding-source-code
It explains everything about source code

stefanking56: are you suggesting that I should learn how code first, before learning how to hack? :)
No turning back.
If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you. but if you really make them think, they’ll hate you.
~ Harlan Ellison
alejbern - Part of learning how to hack is learning coding, in my opinion you will never stop learning how to hack as there are so many different areas. Pick one and specialise ^__^
Roun512 - I only know the basics (HTML, CSS, JS, Java)… still trying to learn PHP (don’t know where to start T_T)
Gninja - Thanks.. ^_^ I’m torn between website hacking (forgot the term) and just normal local network hacking (also forgot the term), but seeing that I’m more “knowledgeable” with web programming, I think I’ll specialize web hacking… ^^
Thank you again guys.. I’m really hoping to find friends here who could help me become a better programmer/hacker
No turning back.