Anyone wanna make a hacking clan?


pm me if interested

maniac [VladimirVam]
11 years ago


what is the requirments for ur clan ?
don’t u have any background knowledge requests ?


No just wanting to learn if interested email:

11 years ago


i sent you an email


i responded so check your email;

11 years ago


Just a thought about your clan’s name… You should know that hacking is very similar to project management. And for this you must be organized!

You must make a plan :
Determine what is the goal, what information you are looking for…
How you are going to attack
What you will need
When are you going to attack
Get lots of information about the target
Call them… make a visit…

I think you should reconsider this…

11 years ago


i want to make a hack clan


i agree with dagr8 too much hassle plus if one of you is dumb enough to get caught then your all fucked because of the amount of activity between the group they’ll track you like that snaps fingers

11 years ago


Hacking is like an art ,like in your case you call yourself a ceo that’s good . But one should have clear knowledge of his clans members . No group wants to be f**ked up due to one member’s mistake and get caught red handed .

So,i only want to say that if you are recruting members for your group first know them and their skills .

And please change your clan name !!!!!!!!!
- IAmDevil

11 years ago


Hmmm Suggestions, Feature and Bugs. I think you posted this in the wrong place.

11 years ago



11 years ago


i wanna join u all right, but we have to make some goals

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I wanna learn sure ! :)
Im no pro ! but if you teach me im willing to learn !

11 years ago


how do we name our clan?

11 years ago


yea how?
Me too i am newbie but like for 3 days will be ok

11 years ago


NGamerZone, might I suggest completing more of the levels, that way you have more experience. And I would say by participating on this site, you are already part of a clan, (I prefer community) a hacker community. So youre already in, so learn much!

11 years ago


yep i’m here

11 years ago


Yup HT is a great community !!!
I’m sure you’ll learn a lot here !!!

? [djsimon21]
11 years ago


Complete all the levels then we shall talk lol :)

11 years ago


before thinking about making a bicycle club , maybe you should learn how to ride a bike,no??? :D

11 years ago


Hahaha !!
That’s right Deadman


nice idea but be ready before !!

11 years ago


Going solo is usually safer than going in groups, some will be undercover law enforcement, some will be snitches.
Trust me, I have known a few.
It is like a game of survival longest that survives is victorious…

Now don’t get me wrong you may need a group in some situations where you can’t handle it alone.
that’s when you pull strings

? [djsimon21]
11 years ago


d3adMaN- very funny and very true indeed

11 years ago


far to keen take a step back and learn

David [dropix]
11 years ago


i would love to join a group , though the thing im not very used to hacking things but like some other comments on this post im willing to learn.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I don’t think so. Isn’t that why we don’t use our real names on here
or anywhere else and just use a username?

11 years ago


For doing clan is not required too much knowedge,after all,most of knowledge coming with trying,and with team it makes easyer.
Of course,risk is risk,you can’t do too much about it.
Before you become pro,you must try a lot things and somewhere you may fail,but it’s usual in hacking.
Doing clan is one of things what can be tryed.
So,i respect your idea about doing clan.
Once you collect enough peoples who would like to do it with you,i suggest to you all think good what’s next.
Doing clan require:
own website(but can’t be hosted,cuz it’s banable(if is about black hat hacking),so own server i quess is option),no breaking copyrights,vision,misions,organising and as last,it’s actions.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


You guys kindda answers me all my questions :)
I love this community and that is why i need no group !
I love how im getting help to complete levels and that every time i look at forum for help all the “REMOED” answers are already there :)
I never get the solution, i get hints and that is what i like :)
Thanks for this community ! i will serve you well xD

“Cough” i need to buy my own computer soon -.- my brother took mine…
we live together now, im the nerds he’s the gamer :D

[deleted user]
11 years ago


on a shitty mac -.- i know nothing about mac… i only know linux and a bit in windows :P

11 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Yeah MAC’s is the most shitty OS out there!
Anyways its good to have a clan to share problems. But why some where else when have HT. :)


i changed my mind if you are better than me i want to learn everything i can im in :)

Spidy [spidy96]
10 years ago


Hackthis’s enough a hacking clan afterall !!!

10 years ago


creator of an hacking clan and have only 870 points on hackthis? uh?


I feel like all of the people here wanting to make a clan (“klan”) have no experience in hacking whatsoever. Not that it’s not a good idea but you should really learn some skills in hacking, have good leadership skills, know how to communicate with people, etc. Organization is the key, you need to know how to set things up, have strict tactics, know your members, Keep in touch with eachother without being able to be traced, more than likely having a car and gas money is good because, and I’ll say this over and over again, never shit where you eat.

So maybe gain some more knowledge about this topic and…. yeah…. like @paulau said,

[quote=Paulaur]creator of an hacking clan and have only 870 points on hackthis? uh? [/quote]

At least have some credability bud…..

You can’t just be like, hey let’s go ddos the world :P Kind of getting that vibe. Make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into.

10 years ago


Yes , communication is a key but knowledge is more important..


Both are essential but you have to define knowledge.

Pawda [Memoria]
10 years ago


[quote=Albert Einstein]
Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.

Yea sharing knowledge is good, but only for the one that receive it. Hacking clan with too much level disparity is painful, boring, hopeless and doomed to failure. It also depends how quick someone can learn of course but in most of case that’s just a bad idea.
The only point that could balance it is complementarity between members.


I like that quote @Memoria maybe will help me feel a bit more confident about myself. Just if someone starts a group that hacks together, sorry hacking clan sounds really lame and I cannot keep saying it, they need to do more than the same shit they do over and over. Maybe practice some together. Host your own servers, hack them, then patch, then hack, then patch, and keep doing it over and over again until you get better and better. As you continue to build a stronger system you’ll also learn how to break into more secure systems. After that then maybe take challenges to other places. Again though, besides doing your little projects all of the time communicate and have fun as well. Cause I will tell you that the same shit with the same people is going to get boring after a couple of days, trust me. You can apply that to any situation at work, school, relationships, friends, etc.


Why I wrote that last post is because people are going to do whatever they want no matter what.


i have a lot of points i have been doing this a while and just to clear up i saw his points and posted in sarcasm but i guess its hard to sound sarcastic when typing haha

10 years ago


salut a tous je vien de m'inscrire sur ce site et je voudrait quelque conseil s'il vous plait ?!

[deleted user]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


I don’t mean to offend the admins or creators of this site because hackthis is very nice BUT it is a very easy site compared to some others Ive played and many which are out there.
If you’re serious you should perhaps try your hand at some CTFs to at least see if you can work as a team and also really test your skills.

As for me, I’m out :) I have no interest in joining a clan, it would go against the ethics of my job anyway, but I thought I’d just post some advice.

Lyad [lyad94]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Ah toi aussi tu est francais ? un conseil: accroche toi car certains levelste donneront du fil a retordre : )[/center] *
* [center][![Image](](
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Yes I agree with @sabretooth . The levels are pretty straight forward (except some of them) and requires only basic knowledge, common sense, alertness, and ofc some out-of-the-box thinking! :)
And just to tell @lyad94 pls check the “AND” spelling in your signature. :p

10 years ago


Yes they are not difficult but I think that we should start with this site to learn the basic skills and only then, search for other websites that purpose harder levels. Because many of these websites miss some basic steps and you can pass by something important.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Personally, the tidiness of HackThis!! makes me want to spend more time. A lot of levels / challenges? Good! However, sometimes I get confused because of the randomness of those sites. It is like a random sequence: 1, 2, 3, 7(what?), 100 (whatttttt?), 19 (wtf?)…

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Depends on the site :) The type you are describing [url = “”]freewind1012[/url] are actually quite rare, especially amongst the bigger sites which have been around for years :)

10 years ago


I want to, but don’t know. Someone teach me plx

9 years ago


Me too

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