Guys, it took me like 3 days (about 12 hours) to figure this out!!! WTF? Am I stupid? Can’t believe that 4862 people went through the same thing. Maybe I did it differently… the painful way!
Just because I am paranoid doesnt mean theyre not after me…
When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.
When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.

Memoria : Do you think I missed something? In 12 hours I had lots of time to read the code… I made a trace of all the code and variables… It’s only when I went to bed the second day that I understood what I needed to do… I found out the cypher (ary[2]) using the crypted text (m[0][3]) and the original text (which was easy to guess…). Then I use the code to decypher the whole…
Do you guys remember how long you had to work on this before you find out? aproximately…
Just because I am paranoid doesnt mean theyre not after me…
“People who doesn’t work hard doesn’t have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don’t understand the hard work necessary to be successful.”

In 12 hours I had lots of time to read the code… I made a trace of all the code and variables… [/quote]
12h, That’s what I said, you didn’t read and you were to focus on the things that only matters as a developer: “the code”.
You could have focus on the most important things a dev will check when he didn’t touch his software for 10 months or when he had to maintain the code of another dev.
[quote]Do you guys remember how long you had to work on this before you find out? approximately…
No more than 2 min with a slow internet for the first way.
1-2h the hard way with the trace debugger for the “fun”.
The only level gave me some hard time actually is the blx because considering the others levels, I didn’t thought flabby will be that much vicious haha.
blx_code: 0042l33t

I read the code… I spent lots of time reading and wondering what to do with it… If it takes you two minutes than you are way better than me… How did you proceed? Even when I found out what to do it took me half an hour to find the cypher and decode the string…
I guess you knew all this stuff in the first place if you never had problem with the levels…
Just because I am paranoid doesnt mean theyre not after me…

11 years ago
Real level 3 wasn’t so hard for me, I completed it in less than an hour. Levels xmas and 6 really gave me a hard time though, lol.

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
There was more than one way to complete the level. The file that you found has login details, but there is something else in there that would have gotten you the level completed. ;)

11 years ago
No problem. :)