Quantum Computer

Scott [scopes20]
11 years ago
11 years ago



11 years ago


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yeah would be nice to have that kind computing power! just imagine using Quantum computer for a Ddos attack or bitcoin mining :) how much does it cost? i had a look but din’t see a price .lol. must be over 3000 eh?

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


3000 might be a bit optimistic, closer to $10,000,000


yeah flabbyrabbit i’m a little too optimistic there, maybe if its made in taiwan we could get a cheap knock off deal lol

Scott [scopes20]
11 years ago


i read something about quantum computers and bitcoin mining, a QC would ruin the bitcoin economy as it would find a bit coin everything other second or somthing. i really really want one, flabby ;), its my birthday soon =D.

11 years ago
Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
11 years ago


It looks like they used the Uncertainty Principle (which utilizes matrices) and Shrodinger’s Equation (waves) for their search/sort alg’s. Some smart mofo’s out there.

11 years ago


Do you think they would let me have a quick go for ten pound lol, I would only want to run one program hahaha

Scott [scopes20]
11 years ago


Nasa and google got a D-wave II quantum computer each for $15m a pop

11 years ago


$15m each holy shit !!!
I wished i had one !!! Hehehe

Scott [scopes20]
11 years ago


Funny how the fastest super computer in the world (Cray xk7 Titan) cost $60m just to upgrade from a previous Cray super computer, in total i geuss the Titan would be well over $100m.

Pawda [Memoria]
11 years ago


It’s me or all “developer examples” are made with python ?

11 years ago


D-Wave computers aren’t considered to be true quantum computers by basically everyone else in the field (there’s a ton of people working on quantum algorithms and actually building the damn things, which is hard).

The kind of things possible with a real quantum computer are pretty scary/powerful. You can factor big numbers into primes really easily. Consider that basically all our encryption (banking etc) rely on big numbers, and the idea that they are hard to factor. We don’t actually know much more abot exactly what else you can do, cus coming up with algorithms for these things is hella hard (their logic is counter intuitive AF). But rest assured that the possibilities are practically endless.

I mean these things work in such weird ways, it’s crazy. Like normal computers work with bits and quantum comps work on “qubits”. To double the computing power of a normal computer you have to double the bits. To double the computing power of a Qcomp you add one bit. If you have a computer with just something like 300 qubits, you have more computer power than the entire world has right now. And if that’s not the tightest shit you’ve ever heard, then get the fuck outta my face.

Anyway what I was going to say in the beginning of my post is that there’s no way that google owns a 512 qubit Qcomp (which is what I think D-Wave is at right now). Cus that would be 2 to the power of 200 TIMES more computing power than the rest of the world. The sad reality is that quantum computers are actually a ways away. (imho)

11 years ago


hmmmmmm but its still interesting ^__^

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