Belated intro

I’m not really “new” here, though I haven’t had much of a forum activity so far. Anyways, I’m Voidstar, an aspiring pentester/digital forensics analyst and I’ve chosen this website as my first proper training ground to learn about attacks and how to conduct them. So far, my experience has been really positive and I hope to help out the newbies when I actually have enough knowledge to do so.
Cheers :)

JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

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I am definitely learning a lot! The forum is a splendid resource for folk like me who sometimes don’t know where to stumble, lol. This afternoon I actually put my hands on the early Real levels and it impressed me that I actually had some clue where to go. Baby steps! :D
Thanks to everyone for sticking around. Let’s keep this place awesome.

Hey @Voidstar, I see good progresses :)
Keep up the good work and welcome
Yeah forums here give a lot of information( spoilers too ) and are really nice . Most site forums are dead or people don’t need them .
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

Thanks to everybody else who posted :)
@MrCyph3r, I know! I didn’t expect to finish so many challenges so soon (or at all, really) but this site is so addictive, haha. I would have definitely never gotten this far without an active forum, as @jayssj11 said; I made a point of not looking up solutions, but I’d have never learned as much if I couldn’t search for people who could point me out to the method :P