Getting annoying when people join just to ask for people on here to hack facebook or email address. zzzz Boring
When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.
When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.

Say in facebook ‘i’m hacker’.
Nobody will hate you or will have fear of you,but all will ask you to hack somebody.
Here at begining i was spamed with it ‘help me hack fb’ etc
So,yep,i agree,it’s so annoying.Even if i hear something like that,no need be msg to me, my eyes start rotate -.-
They are just classic fb addicts.
Peoples should start ask how to hack banks,at least it’s wish with sense.
11 years ago
I guess most of the numb nuts who want to hack Facebook are the numb nuts who keep asking on here??
Well guess what? <—– Don’t ask stupid questions! ——>

Yup that’s right !!!
I think Flabby should paste a WARNING saying that users asking for for hacking FB will be banned immediately !!!
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
11 years ago
Flabby can’t really stop the idiots from coming on here and asking stupid idiotic questions, ‘Hack this for me’ What they really mean is: ‘I’m too stupid and thick to do it myself so will someone please help me break the law!’ If he did then he wouldn’t have any peace or time to do anything else. If he banned them they would just use a different username and e-mail address and start all over again.
So all you bright sparks who want us to hack your sites or email accounts.
And I will try to put this as nicely as I can: F* O and have a Wa** or something!
Everyone else! Have a wonderful day! :) :) :)

They should not be hated or flamed,cuz,look,there’s so many diferent peoples with diferent knowledge,diferent view and diferent choices.
It happening that somebody don’t understand how annoying can be for others.
But i guess,there should be some kind of warning and ignoring by members.
It’s unstopable,so we must live with it :)
Maybe,adding acess to forum only for members who pass some basic things,with all these newbies,it’s imposible to stop that theme,even after ban,they easly make new account.I’m sure nobody will pass milion times same mission to get acces in forum for 1 question.But making able too see forum and topics cuz of levels help,there’s already a lot answers and topics so anyway any new topic about mision is useless,just loosing space.So,only reading is more than enough at begining.
^ This
Im only here since yesterday and I already finished the ‘'Main Level 10’‘.
It would stop those ’‘French-WannabeHackersNoobs’‘ to come and ask for stupid stuff about Facebook or Twitter. (Yes those are French, im one of them but at least I make an effort to write in english because im on an english website!)
i bake therefore im fried!!
It’s funny when people have hacking requests, especially when they want A social network hacked
It’s funny because they obviously have no idea how to do it themselves, but may I suggest we do take this in advantage?
1:Phishing site
2: hack the server (extremely hard considering the security )
4: look over someone’s shoulder while typing password
5: lending someone your phone so they can log into Facebook, (using a Keylogger)
For educationally purposes only!

Just because I am paranoid doesnt mean theyre not after me…
Facebook is a crap little website for people to bitch on. All the time something is in the news paper about it. (BAD)
When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

If I say I’ve invented the time rewind machine but I’m not able to build it and someone works out a way to make it working with improvements, is that still a stolen idea ?
None of these guys were able to either release this chat nor invest more time on it, serves them right!
Other way, I fall in love with a homemade little device who can record any waves activity on not too short range.
When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.
“People who doesn’t work hard doesn’t have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don’t understand the hard work necessary to be successful.”