Hi I’m sorry to post it but i used a lot of filter >> Etc… I realy need help ..
You still don’t know what is being filtered!
In anothers threads have good hints. https://www.hackthis.co.uk/forum/level-discussion/intermediate-levels/intermediate-level-4/16136-help-please
including the same trying that you:
[quote=ignisss123 ]
I tried >> <script>alert(‘HackThis!!’);</script> and it doesn’t work too :s idk know how to bypass this filter
have you tried first? <script>alert('HackThis!!')</script>
And saw the output?!
In the link that I send have many hints, view the “undeundetectedtected” and not try random things.
Yes this why i tried my last thing cause i saw the filter delete the first <>
What you tried last was completely random, and you are not even thinking. Read the threads, that @bolofecal posted, there are enough hints already, you just have to think!
How the @RichardBrook says: “saw the output”, you must percept what is filter method.
Yes <> are disabled with the thing in
The site don’t filter all. e.g:
<span class="medal medal-green">bypass it</span>
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