Agent aboard.
Hello community. So, I need some help, I’m a bit new to all this hacking stuff. I’ve done it before, but all I have done was only by watching videos on YouTube, so…..yea, I need some help with improving my hacking skills. What I am basicly asking for is a good starting point. I’ve done those main, basic, js and intermediate levels, but with a little help from Google. Can anyone suggest me what should I start learning(programming language, OS) to become web and later one system/network hacker? I have done a lot of research on the internet about hackers, who they are, theyr attitude and other stuffs which come with that word, so I don’t need explanation about that. Thank You in advance, and I hope it’ll be real fun working with You guys.

Hello there !!
First of all you don’t need to read about an hacker’s attitude !!!
When you are a hacker you automatically develop that thing !!!
Now about skills , i too was just like you !! Totally confused where to start ??
I think you should develop your skills first in a basic programming language !!! Cus you know the logic is the same here ! You should learn to visualize a prog.
Well it needs time !
Well you should stop seeing and start doing because you’ll only learn by practising !!!
I think you should start with C or C++ !! Cus they are easy to understand !!
And about the OS you should start with BackTrack !!!
Happy learning and play safe !!!8-)
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
I’ve posted some tutorials on Metasploit which is part of BackTrack/Kali-Linux :) and there is one that should be appearing in the articles section soon that will be good for you….oh yeah welcome to HackThis its a great site and I’m sure you will find it great to learn from.
Nice Gninja that will keep him busy so very good stuff to learn in there. Anyway not seen you both before so welcome R4z0r and double07
When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.
Hey double07, do you have any history with Linux/backtrack?
If not i wouldn’t recommend jumping into backtrack right away, maybe getting used to Linux as an everyday OS would be a good starting point (Ubuntu, Mint), but if you decide to go for backtrack to pop your Linux cherry, there will be plenty of help on this site here for you. :)
“You don’t have enough space in your inventory”
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”