Hello... I am Anna

Hello @annafranklin
Welcome to Hackthis!! haha It’s a great place to learn and expand your basic knowledge. Hope you’ll learn a lot here. Here is some information that will help you and have a lovely day :)

Welcome to hackthis. There is a good challenges. In this site I’ve find some kinds of secure that I learned and used to protect my websites. Enjoy the levels.

There are various posts in the forum about how to start/what to learn. Generally, you will never run out of things to learn, so it can take your whole life if you want to. To become somewhat decent at hacking from scratch, you’ll need at least a few years.
B.t.w: stick around a bit longer on IRC next time. ;)

thanks for info dloser …. specially 1st i want to learn how to hack Fb . reason to learn 1st Fb profile hacking is because some one hacked my profile and gmail and copied all backup from there. I really dont knw who did this and i dont have any intention to do it back. Just want to learn .
Do i need to use javascript to hack Fb ? as i already knw about Phishing but now a days almost ppl knw about it and dont like to click on strange link.
Guide me plz . I also found a post which says “8 tricks to hack FB accounts ” but :( .

If I not wrong maybe the gmail can be recovered by the phone number, if it not be changed try it, or maybe you can use ancient passwords to recover, but I not sure about it you must view the recover methods. Internet have meny good sites and tutorials about web security and the time that you will spent depends to your dedication and your knowledge.

Firstly, welcome to HT :)
Now, for the FB thing, more than likely it was not the entry point… nor google probably.
I see that most of the times you got hacked somewhere else, sometimes just by a simple keylogger and they just try your password everywhere to see if you used the same password for more than one application.
P.S.: how did you managed to create websites if you don’t know what javascript is used for? do you create websites as a job? I’m just curious…

@tl0tr They are many ideas behind Facebook hacking ;
- Show off
- See private things
- Destroy it / do bad things on it for the fun of the hacker
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tl0tr thanks for reply. I am not tring to learn hacking Fb. I am just trying to learn tricks or technology (I don’t knw appropriate word :( ) behind it because I am a victim now. :)
I can not think even to hack some one account.its is soo bad . Victims have to suffer a lot mentally because they keep so much info in their Fb and gmail . I am suffering from the same . :(
