As you can see if I put spaces before the “>” the alert will popup but the solution will be still incomplete. :(
In the second gif example the tag “< /script >” prevents the loading of the right sidebar of the site.
I’m on Firefox 40.0.2
The hint “undeundetected” makes me think that execute the script on a script should be ok. So I tried that, but it does not work. So “exactly” means that only the given source code should be on the textarea? <script > <script>alert('HackThis!!');</script> </script >
I also tried using BBcode, but not working anymore
@Dark-Storm: You should keep working on that hint.
@dloser: The JS code executed is exactly the same; and I’d rather say that the HTML tag <script> is interpreted, IMHO. And anyway, without talking about semantics, as the space characters are stripped, the code executed is the same. The only reason to not accept this answer is due to how the payload is analyzed.
Personally, I think @n0ne’s solution should be considered as valid, simply because it works.
@Yuriko**: don’t be pedantic; that’s my job. :p If you say that ‘execute’ only applies to actual JavaScript, then the challenge description is wrong (as the tags are not valid JavaScript) and you should throw your hands up in the air and give up. ;)