Greetings Everyone!
As you can see on my profile I’m a newbie on HackThis!! I joined this site long time ago, but I was inactive and for me, it was boring then because my English was not so good(English is not my first language).
I am definitely not going to tell you my name and surname,but just to know I am 14.I was always interested in hacking, programming and even typing on computer(doesn’t matter if it is word or notepad…).
My brother is on collage now,studying IT and in the last few months I was reading some of his books like “Java programming” and I was quite fascinated with things you can do with NetBeans.I researched many programs that were in the books and watched so many tutorials on YouTube.Anyway…Why hacking and why HackThis? - I think hacking first of all is really exhausting, but really fun,at least for me.If I want to program I definitely want to have knowledge in hacking too,doesn’t matter if I need it or not,I want to have it at least for my heart.Honestly I found out about HackThis website accidentally - I think tutorial of some level was in the group of videos “You should watch” on YouTube.
I opened it because there was giant logo “HackThis!!” and I opened it because I was curious.It paid off,because the website was designed amazing and it is amazing.So basically double amazing!That’s pretty much it what you need to know about me!
Stay cool! :D
Welcome @EatMyDust8593 , Btw can you change your profile pic?
I know that is the logo from hackthis, but it was me that changed that, and having another person using the logo that I changed can make some confusion, thinking it’s me ‘talking’ when it’s you.
A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!
Yes I know, I agree. It’s just because it can create some confusion. And he can always change to another color. I did that with paint. So everyone can do it. ;)
A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!
Of course I can change picture @RichardBrook ,I put this picture only temporary,I mean I joined yesterday! I looked all top users and I found you there and I really liked the picture so I changed the basic one.No hard feelings? :D
A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!
@EatMyDust8593**: As a person who likes to stay anonymous, I would prefer it if you changed your avatar to something that does not have the word ‘anonymous’ in it. People might think: “Hey, dloser wants to stay anonymous and this guy has an avatar with ‘anonymous’… they must be buddies!” This is an undesired association for me. Thanks in advance.
@dloser Are you serious or that’s just irony?
@dalfor Ok,now you are messing me :D
@eatmydust8593 - we are just having some fun in the forum. If something is serious somebody would probably PM you.
YOUR nick, @dalfor**? Pfffff… My ’d' is most more significant. If anyone should change his nick it should be you. Oh, and news for you: ’d' != ’D'. smh
Also: welcome, @EatMyDust8593**! ;)
Thank you @dloser :D
Haha, that’s probably the best introduction thread I’ve ever read :D
Welcome to the party @EatMyDust8593