Gonna metaphorically beat your ass

Arrogant newbie who thinks he stands a chance at demolishing the skill level of the pro’s who are clearly out of his range.
I’m just an aspiring hacker. Probably not going to be the greatest, but that wont stop me trying. Totaly going to beat the top dogs in the hacker world.
Still at the trivial basics of computers, but working up where I can. Things that don’t make sence now, will when I increase my skill level. Hint, hint, I’m a gamer(Shame you wont get that UserName).
Done some simple hacks, like putting files in locations that are supposidly “unnaccessable”, like the start ups folders on those pathetic school computers. (Leave yourself logged in, and have fun keeping the computer running next time you log in.(Thanks CMD ;) )), used the same method to stop a program running which could be used to disconnect the internet, disable inputs and outputs, etc. via the teachers PC, hid all my probably not that great music choices and a chunk of my files. You know, the real basic stuff. But, then, I am really inexperienced, what’s the other 19 guys and gals excuses? They have 2 years experience that I don’t and I am ahead of them. What’s with that? I should be limping behind trying to keep up. Second top result in a small test for those 2 years I missed which were skimmed over in a week . I am better than these people.

I like this the way you introduced yourself :)
Welcome to Hackthis and good luck learning cool stuff !
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

Oh, yeah, my pendrive has a real basic password protection which is insanely easy to bypass, but again, I’m not all too great with code YET. Heavy penalty and currently, the attempts counter can be reset by just re-running the program. But, for those who are less competent than myself, you have 10 seconds, it forces a shutdown, then you have 90 seconds to workout how to abort a shutdown. Then you need to remove the start ups file named “shutdown.bat”, replace it or cancle it out with another file.
color C
Title Welcome Back
set tries=4
goto top
color C0
shutdown /s /f /t 10 /c "Better Luck Next Time"
cd C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
echo shutdown /s /t 90 > shutdown.bat
echo _StackedHats_
ping localhost -n 5 >nul
set /a tries=%tries% -1
if %tries%==0 (
goto penalty
Echo You have %tries% attempts left.
Echo Please enter your password to proceed
set /p password=
if %password%==795316248 (
color 0a
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
Start PasswordProtected
) else (
goto top
I did rip off some of that code(I was low on time when working on it, else I would have looked at another file to learn the syntax(I didn’t know the syntax for conditionals in batch files, so I coppied the code, edited a chunk of it)), but I edited it to work for myself, made it actually do something other than give a minute penalty before letting you continue guessing and had it access a hidden file on the pendrive. CMD can bypass easily, by tabbing to the folder PasswordProtected, you can get the password from CMD and you can just skip that limited tries by reloading the file.
The metaphorical footprints are coming… Just… In Ssslllooowww Mmmoootttiiiooonnn. They’ll catch up with y'all, though. Best place to start, is a place with compotition. Schools completely lack in competitiveness. That’s why my progress is 3 times that of the next best, even with their 2 years of bonus experience.
Oh, and any newbies reading this want a challenger, I’m up for it, anyone at my skill level that I can both work with and compete with would be nice to have… Even if I will be trying to leave them far behind and not giving time to catch up. Lend a hand, yes, slow myself down… No thanks.