What can i do ?


I have a problem guys! an unknown number called me today and threatened me. the person told me that Im tracked and that people will come to my house to pick me up. I do not know the number and the person refused to submit. what’s weird is that the person knows my name and personal phone number. I was surprised because I did not hurt anyone and I have not attacked computer system currently. I do not know what I should do. if this is you, what will you do?

? [djsimon21]
10 years ago


I think you need to contact the police my friend even to let them know what’s going on. Hope all is ok


oh okay thank u bro @djsimon21

10 years ago


Yep the authorities is the best idea, its probably some idiot playing games but better safe than sorry.


oh ok no worry ! i think it’s the best choice ! thx bro @Gninja

10 years ago


Hmm sounds like a movie !!!
I think you should take on them yourself and teach them a lesson !!!!
Just kidding , better call the authorities !!!

10 years ago


First i think you’re a minor and it was a threat not a promise.
when the mafia want to do something they don’t make threats they just do it…

Still police could track the number if i am correct by using triangilating software…
just remember not to post your phone numbers and personal infromation safe from malicious users.

and i don’t know why you posted this in “news”, i think it goes on off topic


i really want to track their number but i dont know how i can do !! plz , who could send me a tut about track number ?

10 years ago


call your phone company…

James Singh [cpn1000]
10 years ago


i will google and update you step by step, this is really messed up…. let us ALL wish it is a prank. I am shaken.


ok thanks for comments

10 years ago


I think you should take it easy !!
If it was a gangster you wouldn’t have posted your earlier message !!
It was surely a prank !

? [djsimon21]
10 years ago


The phone calls are coming from Russia


it’s not from russia ! sorry


it’s not from russia ! sorry

[deleted user]
10 years ago



Rig your house with explosives, probably C4 and when they come to take you just blow them up. Oh and when you blow everyone up just make sure that you are outside the house or else it would be a suicide.

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