Hacking Business - only for serious people

requirements : settled in the UK, honest person, dare to take risks. (It’s better to be honest)
if interested, contact me via facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kevin.hansamu.9
email : hansamukevin@gmail.com
profit 50:50 :)
Greets.. :)

This one is a better on @tehron :)
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+1 to @Mugiwara27 . It’s addicting .
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

Because I seen this a lot, I doubt this is a joke.
Unless if you have half a million in pocket right now, this is a stupid idea. You need to be able to afford really good lawyers. You also need to have an actual company already made with at least 10 open jobs at any given time.
Also, 50/50 is BS and no hacker is going to take this. If you’re going to do things by pay per project, then the hacker tends to get on average 90%.
Now lets talk about your personal errors. Your digital fingerprint is big, and you’re just a kid. Since you’re just another stain on the bed sheet, why would any hacker take you seriously.
I’m pretty sure you’re only a neophyte, and a lazy one at that.
Lastly, why in the hell would a hacker come to a open forum like this site to find a job?
I can guarantee that this site is being monitor be 1 power governments. So black hat jobs are out of the question here. For a white hat, there is so many legit places to find jobs.

Again, 50 50 is bs. In the real world the hacker tends to get 90% while the company tends to get 10%.
Your no different from any other stain on a bed sheet, so you really shouldn’t be asking this in the first place. You literally are worthless in a hackers eyes since it feels like you’re trying to scam other people to do the work while you hang back or “learn”.
It’s one thing if you were asking for us to teach you locally or not. It’s another to treat us like a go fund me account
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

Hey @crua9, I have a question for you… since it’s the second time you write 90% for the hacker and 10% for the company, I’m a bit curious, where did you find that info? I mean, how did you calculate that percentage? Just curious about this….

It is what I got in the past, and the people in my area. However, I have heard of some people getting down to 80%.
Anyways, the % base tends to be only when a company is starting up or a project based thing. But, I think most companies just end up hiring salary workers so they don’t have to worry about having a lack of workers or their experience workers going somewhere else.

hmm I see… I trust you because you say it’s your experience.
However 10% looks kinda weird to me, I mean, from a company perspective it’s not a good deal. I’m not sure that a solid and successful company is willing to hire an hacker for 90%.
10% is not enough to cover the costs and be a decent income.
But that’s just my opinion and I trust you when you say that it’s happened to you.