Quantum Entanglment
I was looking into how a quantum computers works and it seems to rely on quantum entanglment. Bassicly 2 particles become entangled on contact, when 1 particle is in a state (on) the other particle will be in the oposite state (off). It turns out that even when seperated (at the oposite ends of the universe) they still share the same propertie of changing to the oposite state to its entangled twin almost instantly.
If partcle A is on 1 side of the universe in an on state and particle B is at the other end of the universe in an off state, as soon as particle A turns to an off state, particle B which instantly turn into an on state.
What i want to know is how particle B knows particle A has changed states from the other end of the universe with no apparent form of comunication. If anyone knows anything about quantum physics this would really put my mind at rest.
(BTW i have googled the hell out of this question and found nothing)
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scopes20, your almost instantly is correct, so there currently seems to be a small amount of time for the change to occur, but it is way faster than the speed of light. Why is this important? We use a form of light to communicate (radio- varying frequency or amplitude to carry information). For example to send a signal to Mars require (3 -20 minute), so there and back could be 40 minute way to slow. Thats where quantum entanglement comes in with almost instantaneous communication. The other thing, current computer use binary (1,0) to represent information, quantum computer have more than one state simultaneously. This means theoretical tremendous computing power. How is this possible, there seems to be some type of connect between quantum particle properties, they are entanglement. Its all very theoretical but shown to be the case through experimentation, at our current level of technology.
I’d rather see folks doubt what’s true than accept what isn’t.
thanks for the reply, what you said makes a lot of sense, so what your saying is there is only a theory as to what the connection is between 2 entangled particles, there is no proven fact?
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A Theory is when all the fact come together to explain and are confirmed by experiments. For physicist a Theory is the ultimate fact. Very powerful, and proven phenomenon, accepted and agree upon. Quantum entanglement is real as it gets! Quantum entanglement will probably change the world someday, Computer and Communication at the least. It has the potential to make Teleportation possible.
I’d rather see folks doubt what’s true than accept what isn’t.
so no one knows how 2 particles a universe apart know what state to be in, its just an accepted theory?
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No-one can explain it yet! Remember the particle where created together in a special way, which entangle their properties. So they are special from the start, and its only been, experimentally shown for miles/km not light-years (which would be necessary to say it for Universal distances.)
I’d rather see folks doubt what’s true than accept what isn’t.
This will get my imagination going, i like to think its some new kind of force which isnt effect by distance that allows the particles to communicate (if any communication exists). Thank you for your input guuf.
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Quantum entanglement is nothing when compared with the recently discovered concept of Dark Matter and Dark Energy, which seem to make up 95% of the Universe. Woe are we, to find out, all our Physical Law were about only 5% of the universe, but the bright side is we know that 5% very well. This may explain entanglement. We should stop here!
I’d rather see folks doubt what’s true than accept what isn’t.
Dark Matter was theorized in the early 1930’s, it’s not considered recent. Our understanding of the universe is very small, however, physical laws are physical laws and they are generally constant throughout the universe. Our understanding of physical laws is over 5%, if quantified. I would also venture to say that when compared to Dark Matter/Energy, quantum entanglement is not “nothing.”
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- @IAmDevil
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Iamdevil, this started because i was researching “quantum computers”, it is also in the off topic section.
im going to look into dark matter as well as quantum entanglement, thanks guys, big help and very informative :)
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