Hey guys, any tips for a complete and utter noob?

Long story short, I’m a noob.
Not just your ordinary noob. I’m super noob.
I took one HTML course in high school, about… ten years ago? I have done nothing as far as HTML and coding, prior to that or since then.
I’ve made it through all of the main levels and three of the basic levels. But I feel that I am using too much help from forums and every time I even ponder the idea of Youtube, I feel like a quitter. Where could I go to learn this stuff? I read through the forums and I saw Codeacademy links and w3schools links. Should I invest my time in these sites first, before beginning here?
Are there any other tips, or places I should go to and review before I start doing the basics on here?

Codeacademy is definitely helpful as far as knowing what the code means and knowing how to write your own scripts. From there I have no further advice. Probably start with HTML and Javascript, and then work your way to PHP and Python. :)
There’s no place like

@HackingGuy, Thanks man. I really appreciate the help and the friendly environment here. I look forward to hacking into your computer!
( Just Kidding :p )

If I could give you some pieces of advice, it would be to:
[] Keep track of the challenges completed, and the method you have used. Do not hesitate to make it like a little tutorial;
[] Do a lot of them;
[*] Research what you are facing, even after having completed the challenge.
Sadly, there is no magical solution. Tutorials can help you, but you will need to put that knowledge into practice. There are a lot of challenge websites on the internet (wechall), take a look at them. Don’t think you will be able to do all the levels in a short period of time.
About the fact that you read the forum or look at youtube videos, this is my opinion, but I think you shouldn’t feel “like a quitter”. If you do not have any knowledge, you can’t do it by your own; and if you don’t know what you’re looking for, you can’t find it. Trying to do the challenge without any help when you’re beginning is a good way to give up at the end of the day.

You are not a quitter, as far as you keep reading and studying seriously I wouldn’t call you a quitter… no matter what method you are using.
Also, I would say that there is no need to wait before attempting the challenges here, you can study on codeacademy or wherever you prefer while at the same time working on the challenges.

I’m getting into more and more videos on real life coding. I’m running out of things on the hacking side without worrying about legal :P
(I’m getting heavy into the code that you will deal with on jobs that will pay $100k-$200k)
But there is a few things out there that can help you as far as coding. Codeacademy is a good place to learn the basics, but just that. You should try to learn restful if you want to work as a coder (I’m going to get into this later on my YT channel).
Anyways, this site isn’t real hacking btw. It’s more of puzzles, and tech tricks. But there is a few people on here like myself that does real world hacking. However, if you had to pick between being a hacker and a coder. I would say coders get more money, and they can get jobs in more places. But you do need to know some of the hacking this if you are going to be a coder. That away you can build a secure app from the start.