Open Source Coding Project
Not sure if anyone cares to join in on this, but I figure I might as well ask. I’m doing some coding projects for my local area, and if you want to join in then feel free.
Below is a link to one of my github pages. The projects that I am talking about with this is Wayne apps. But feel free to join in on any other project I got going on.
What do you need help with?
I mainly aimed my knowledge to the crappy C# and the amazing Delphi. :P
I did notice that there is not a huge amount of documentation of what you’d like to have implemented still or what bugs there are.
Could an idea to note that somewhere? :)
Most of the projects have a comment page. I never really gave it too much thought on going beyond that because no one else took any interest into the projects
But, I’m going to see if I can start actually using the functions on Git
As far as the projects. A lot of them are pretty basic but I get bored with them because people show no real interest into it. But, whenever I have some free time I mess around with those projects. The reason why I made it open source is as a backup and so others can add to it.
For example, I was talking to someone about making a basic app that will tell someone if they kept their stove on. They brought up that a timer would be a great idea. (something I never thought about)
I took a quick look at my projects, and I thought I had a iOS project uploaded. But, I can’t find it.
Feel free to take some of the android projects and convert them over to the iOS. (I swear I made a disability card app for the iOS)
Anyways, I hardy write iOS apps because the $100 a year to upload to the app store, and I have to run OS X on VM.
Timers are ideal for a lot of things.. :P
Especially when rendering stuff or running repeated logic, you could then also spread load per-tick.
Delphi example:
fTickCount: Cardinal;
constructor TEST.Create;
inherited Create;
{$IFDEF MSWindows}
TimeBeginPeriod(1); // Set timer precision
fTickCount := 0;
fTimer := TTimer.Create(nil);
fTimer.OnTimer := OnTick;
fTimer.Enabled := True;
procedure TEST.OnTick(Sender: TObject);
if fTickCount mod 10 = 0 then
if fTickCount mod 10 = 3 then