Checking your Karma

11 years ago


i think maybe.. we should have a karma level on our profiles, so we can keep track of the good things we have done,
or the bad things for some.

just a suggestion!

? [djsimon21]
11 years ago


Hunon that’s no a bad idea :)

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


This has been suggested and approved previously, but I don’t think it was in a dedicated thread so thank you :)

11 years ago


I purposely searched for karma on the Search tool, to make sure I don’t make a duplicated thread of some sort.

But great to hear it has been approved !:)

So, thank you rabbit!

Scott [scopes20]
11 years ago


very slightly off topic, why has cpn1000 got -63 karma? did he do somthing wrong?

11 years ago


can I have some +karma :p

xxxx [TheShadowman]
11 years ago


Sorry I’ve never tried it before but how do you gain/loose karma?
Also how do posts receive karma?

11 years ago


theres 2 little green arrows in the top right of a post i think you can only give/see it when you reach 25 posts?

? [djsimon21]
11 years ago


where do you see cpn -63 karma?

Scott [scopes20]
11 years ago


on the karma list, top 10 +karma and top 10 -karma, cpn1000 is #1 on negative karma with -63, i was wondering why?

? [djsimon21]
11 years ago


stupid question but where is the karma list

11 years ago


you’ll find it in the forum (right top)

? [djsimon21]
11 years ago


someone must not like cpn. Thanks deadman :)

11 years ago



Have no idea why’d you’d say it’s slightly Offtopic but ok… Lol


Cpn has a lot of negative karma due to silly questions… And maybe incorrect answers.

Most of the people in negative karma list are usually immature (unfortunately)
They also leave false help, wanting to make “hacking prodigies ” etc…

So it i like the Karma negative list to properly show you, what sources to trust/distrust.

? [djsimon21]
11 years ago


Ok thanks HUNON I will remember that :)

11 years ago


Ahh, I’ve been wondering what ‘karma’ was and it’s purpose here, aside it being related to moral behavior which karma is generally associated with. I agree with HUNON, the karma system would prove useful to identify those who give false help.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


The main purpose is to more easily flag inappropriate posts … if a post gets -3 karma it is automatically hidden. Secondly if a user consistently receives negative karma it flags that the user should be warned about his/her behavior. Also (in the future) a users total karma will be displayed more prominently so you can make a more informed judgment on that users perceived character and not just rely on their score.

? [djsimon21]
11 years ago


I think Flabby that if a user gets -x score (Like -50) they should be banned from the forum for x days (14 days maybe) then the score is reset back to ‘0’ and if they keep getting the ‘-50’ the punishment should be worse. Just an option :)

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


Bad option. After a reset people would think that the user has posts which are ‘ok’. But if a user gets -50 Karma then his posts are certainly not even close to ‘ok’ so I wouldn’t reset the score. But you could of course set a 2nd invisible variable to check whether he has been banned and on which score he was when he was banned.
So I like the idea to ban people at least for a few days bus the reset wouldn’t be good. ;)

Scott [scopes20]
11 years ago


thats a good idea, you could have a strike system, after your first strike your karma is reset, but that strike will still be there. after 3 strikes there could be some action taken.

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


agree with ColdIV, RESET the KARMA is an horrible idea.
Here’s my opinion about BAN, suppose I hate someone on the forum, I will make this person get -50 karma, and (s)he will be banned because I DON’t LIKE (HIM or HER):
Not a good idea at all… I could get addicted to it (i’m kidding, i hate no one here :) )
I really don’t like these BAN methods, it usually gets abusive…

Scott [scopes20]
11 years ago


but banning someone from the forum would stop anything abusive, the person wouldnt be able to talk on the forum, and giving karma is anonymous so they wouldnt know who to be abusive to.

11 years ago


franckly, I don’t see any abusive person posting on the forum…. and there’s no ban method at the moment (is there?)

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


I’m not sure if you got me right @d3adMaN - Banning people is a nice idea, we’ve got many spammers here or people who just join this site to post links to malware. What’s a bad idea is to reset the Karma. The Karma somehow represents the person and if the person got bad Karma you can see that this person probably won’t be able to help you in the forum. And if I got right what @djsimon21 said then what he wants is to reset the Karma after banning the person. So for everyone who didn’t know the person before he was banned the person now is a good person with ‘good Karma’ because it has been set to 0. And that’s what I don’t like.
And it would take you some time to ban a person on your own if it takes 50 negative Karma to ban someone.. You would have to find and down vote 50 posts which would take you almost an hour. In addition to that - I think @flabbyrabbit would be able to see who gave the negative Karma (I think so because there certainly is a function to check whether a user already voted a post before to avoid double-votes) and so he could be able to react and stop the abusing of the system.

But I think you don’t need an auto-ban function. We’ve currently just got one user with Karma lower then -50. So it would be enough if the Admin / Moderator decide whether a user should be banned or not.

? [djsimon21]
11 years ago


Well something needs to be done about it i think anyway. I was just suggesting a way to do it like a small guide :)

11 years ago


Yes I understood what you said , and gave my opinion as well :) I ’m going to edit my post so there would be no more confusion

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


Ah, now I got your opinion @d3adMaN :)
@djsimon21 I agree, something has to be done. But I actually think that Spam is the biggest problem here.. It’s hard to find good answers to questions because so many people start spamming. Also some of them dig up very old threads and start an already ended discussion.. but that’s a different topic - and I already made a thread called ‘Closing Threads’

Scott [scopes20]
11 years ago


a quata as to how many posts one person can submit each day? that would make people think before they spam, although it wouldnt be very practicle.

Do threads have a life span? do old threads get deleted after a certain amount of time?

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


@scopes20, currently threads stay open indefinitely. But with the next update they will close after a defined period of inactivity.

? [djsimon21]
11 years ago


Have you decided Flabby what’s going to happen with the users who get -x karma?

? [djsimon21]
11 years ago


ColdV - I don’t mean just resetting the Karma back to 0 and that’s I mean they will have 3 lives of -50 karma. After the user has used there 3 lives then it’s up to the site admin on what to do with ‘that’ user. I hope I hope that sounds right lol. :)

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


I intend to do nothing. As was said earlier there is only one user who has a ridiculous amount of negative karma, he was banned for a short period and since that ban has not been any trouble. I feel that the site doesn’t have a problem with single users spamming copiously…

James Singh [cpn1000]
11 years ago


Thanks flabby I feel you did the right thing. I really have changed since then…… too bad my Karma didn’t. :)

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


@cpn1000 from what I have seen you really changed, I guess you can now start to collect positive Karma and get you away from the #1 ;)
@flabbyrabbit I think there is spam here, but that problem will be solved with the updated HackThis because they won’t be able to react to an old already-answered thread. So thanks to you and all your effort which you put into this site. I really like the fact that you care so much for the forum and don’t let it go down as admins do on many other sites. :)

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


I agree with you @ColdIV, it’s a chance that we can speak directly to the site owner/admin. This is rare… Nice to have you with us @flabbyrabbit. Keep it up!

Regarding spam… I’ve not seen anything abusive since some time… (I clicked the greater sign for that (at)MyFriend). I must say all answers are not always accurate… But hey, we are here to learn!


11 years ago


Hmm , i think i should also get on the right track !!!
I never expected soo many -ve Karma !!!

? [djsimon21]
11 years ago


wow IAmDevil i didn’t know you had so much neg karma

11 years ago


I give you 1 point then. Just because I love you.

Good nite (damn it, still sleeping in front on my comp!)

11 years ago


Back to positive from negative is always good. Just keep on the right track :)

11 years ago


Thank you all guys !!!
I appreciate those points !!

11 years ago


I don’t have any karma !What’s wrong with me???
Just joking,i feel today as spammer.
It was me who suggest it before long time but in chat.

Another thing what should be cool,is anti spam,so limiting posting with time.
Also,making for beginers:
-levels help readable/writable
-but other categoryes only readable
time trial,after pass at least 24hours after registrating,can have for all categoryes writable also
I got that idea after topic against peoples who always ask for help about hacking fb.

Maybe many wont agree with these ideas,but what i can,i must work hard for few karma up :)

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