Jsky ( Web scan tool by China company )
Jsky ( Web scan tool by China company )
The ZIP password?HackThis
China white hat.
okay.. sure you can share. I’m just saying that I won’t try out some software that is a) shared on any forum b) shows that many positive malware results on virustotal.
- daMage

Just because I am paranoid doesnt mean theyre not after me…

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
“You don’t have enough space in your inventory”

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
i have run through 2 different sandboxes and went through the program the only suspicious thing is that it trys to get this set up
SBIE2205 Service not implemented: GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl
not sure if its neccesary for it to work but it does scan for hackable sites and ill let you know how it works
i bake therefore im fried!!
Don’t mistake .. I just want to share.. I download it from some website.. I’m very sorry .. Because the Antivirus in China isn’t well. I’m very sorry. I will be careful after. I’m sorry, so sorry.
China white hat.
I have the other Jsky, it’s seem to be safe. But the language is in Chinese.. I’m sorry .. very sorry everybody
China white hat.
its ok i have no problem with the chinese its a fair game if they want to rat my pc if i run something i would honestly just let them in a virtual machine and find out where the server is and hack them back lol if not ill run it in a sandbox or 2 and love the output looks to be vb or c# the features are lacking and for the most part not impressive but it does do the job and we will see when i find something vuln what it can really do i prefer by hand but i do always collect wares and store them
i bake therefore im fried!!
@oxide I will support you to Hack it. Many Black hat hacker in China is scan the IP all over the world,I’m hate it. Sometime they catch the PC chicken to DDOS the website,they want to earn some money. Can you do it?? To hack them,i’m interested.!
China white hat.
actually its a sub par scanner it sucks i think you get much betterinfo rom free open source tool but its interesting
i bake therefore im fried!!
maybe yes but i will not commit a crime for you or with you but i dont mind helping if tats what you mean none of us here are contract hackers we dont do it for money we do it for fun most of us have no end goal but to learn if you want to do this for malicious purposes you will fail because your scope will be too narrow i started that way lol so i know it took me awhile to get good but if u want help im sure alot of us will if its legal
i bake therefore im fried!!
we are all from hell did you not know @J4mins :)
When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
Can i join the hell? So cool~Ha:) I’m playing the Level game??I feel diffcult.If the game in China website,the website will be popular i guess:)
China white hat.