A nice collection of tools
I found this website a while ago and its got some good stuff
The only tool i dont have there is NetStumbler. Nessus comes with backtrack, im not too fond of it, it seems like hassle. Pretty good link.
“You don’t have enough space in your inventory”

Any preference @R4z0r?
Just because I am paranoid doesnt mean theyre not after me…
ya steer away from anything on the net that is coded and not open source especially cracked versions that havent been verified by people better
i bake therefore im fried!!
BackTrack 5r3 is really good and works well. I might upload a torrent that shows you how to do that. Oh wait i already did. HERE IT IS –
They are trying to control you, open your eyes and don’t let them.
I also recommend that when you use backtrack 5r3 if you dont install with a cd then install with vmware player. its decent.
They are trying to control you, open your eyes and don’t let them.

3rdHorseMan ,
I am a fan of BT 5 R3 and I do like the interface. However, since I started using Kali-Linux it seems the BT5 environment has lost some of its flare. Kali is BT5 plus much more. Granted, it does have its fair share of bugs, since it is new addition that comes with the terrority. They have been spot on with updates that fix current bugs, along with updating current programs and adding new software to list. The layout is clean, precise, and to the point. If you see BT5 as “decent”, then Kali may up that a bit.
They are trying to control you, open your eyes and don’t let them.
When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.
Yes but take a wide usb key, my 8gb key didn’t not handle the “apt-get upgrade” ,guess I wil take a 16gB :(
I downloaded kali last night, im going to try it out when i get home from work. Chances are il have multiboot for backtrack and kali (I like backtrack to much).
“You don’t have enough space in your inventory”
I don’t know the Kali version of Linux. So far I have concentrated on BT5 and I work quite well with the version for VMWare Player. Since I have always worked on Ubuntu distro you advise me to go to the Kali which I understand is a distribution based on Debian? Is it worth it????
Ubuntu is based on Debian too, so it’s not that much different. Kali is basically the next version of BT, so you will want to check it out sooner or later.
- daMage
I have only seen some pictures and videos of kali, i think it looks a bit more corporate, but the layout seems the same as BT5. Im going to try it tonight and to be honest, it has to be something special to make me want to permanently switch from BT5 to kali.
“You don’t have enough space in your inventory”
Switching to kali has more pro’s than con’s ……at the moment there are a few glitches but dont let the move to debian put you off as its by far the best free pen tool out there.