looking for new hackers

im an angel but when im hacking im the devil get away of my away
When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.

im an angel but when im hacking im the devil get away of my away

11 years ago
What is it with these hacking groups? What’s up can’t you do the levels on your own??
elangel , Do you know how to hack ? not only SQL i mean Hack , do you Have a name for the hack group ?
If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you. but if you really make them think, they’ll hate you.
~ Harlan Ellison
forget it roun we run in a duo i dont need to have to teach 2 people im good with just chillen with you and hacking we dont need to be in a group thats bad
i bake therefore im fried!!

I don’t get all the hate about these hack groups.
I know however that it increases your risk of getting caught by about 60% and puts at at risk from your fellow hackers. This is a playground and in playgrounds you make friends, that is up to them but be careful where you advertise your hacking groups because you don’t know who’s joining. I work solo but if I can I work with my close, real-life friends because we know we won’t rat each other out and hack each other.
Simply, go with people you trust.
@Elangel, How do 3 people keep a secret? The 1 man kills the other 2. that’s pretty much my thoughts on hacking groups.
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the Evilest mother fucker in the God damn valley.

Hacking is all about reading the mentality of the person,and make a comman list of there thinking level ,just deal with that list step by step and you will sure learn more from that.
@ThatNerdGuY makes a really good point. Do it with the people you trust in real life :)
When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.