? little tutorial to be a hacker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


I wish I had some tips for becoming a good hacker and for that I boss but a helping push will be welcome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 years ago


Well the first part of being a good hacker is being curious…curious enough to go looking for things like “how to become a good hacker”.

I could paste google results here, but I am certain that the push you need is to go look up..“beginner”…“hacker” or “penetration tester” or the likes.

Asking questions is always good, but makes sure that you look for things online first.

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


Yeah, @dalfor is right… also make sure to avoid too general questions, be a bit more specific next time.
In my opinion, being an hacker also means aiming at perfection, be it code, hardware or whatever… and you can’t accomplish this objective with too general questions.

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9 years ago


hello ; for my mind ; we would began to learn the code, like html5/css3 , php/mysql . 2th learn how to use linux consol. et lean after thepython code ……

9 years ago


If you don’t have the drive to go out and find the resources to need on your own, you don’t have the drive to become a hacker.

cn9 [1337boy]
9 years ago


if you want to be a hacker you will never become one
it is more that you are a hacker when you are called and recognized as this from other hackers

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
9 years ago


Well said 1337, something that someone told me some time ago, and that’s a great thing !

cn9 [1337boy]
9 years ago


Words of truth ahah

9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


Hacking is a way of thinking , you’re either born one , or you will never be.

9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


“Hacking is a way of thinking , you’re either born one , or you will never be.” this phrase does not make any sense, you are talking about a way of thinking, then about something you are ^^, try to rephrase it if you wanna be quoted in 100 years in philo class :p.

I think hackers tend just to share (at least) two common factors which are an eager to learn and strong sense of curiosity, they usually have/need to know how things work and I agree with @MrCyph3r in the sense that usually they are aiming for perfection in whatever field they are the most interested in :).

As far as to answer your question more specifically, be curious, get your hands dirty with what you want to master and don’t be discouraged if you read some thing that you cannot yet understand, work on it till you get stuck and come back to it later :) Much like some levels on this site, you might get to a point where you’re stuck so don’t hesitate to take a break, learn from other places etc.. and next thing you know you will pass the level easily :)

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
9 years ago


Much like some levels on this site, you might get to a point where you’re stuck so don’t hesitate to take a break, learn from other places etc.. and next thing you know you will pass the level easily

That a really good advice !

cn9 [1337boy]
9 years ago


except for Crypt 9. One will never solve Crypt 9. Ahah

9 years ago


THis guy is asking to be trolled. I can’t believe that everyone is being so nice… thats a new one on me. Other places, you would have been shredded man. If you want to learn, start by learning basic networking and how computers work. Do you know what the team LAN means? If not, this is not the place for you to be.

cn9 [1337boy]
9 years ago


Yes you are right
I mean if someone Asked something like this in Community i was in he would have been Banned Lol

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